'Are you gonna tell me or what?' Sickboy was beginning to loss his temper with her. He knew he shouldn't, but he was there trying to get her to talk, but all she could do was look at her hands. He didn't want to feel like she was being forced into telling him, but on the other hand he didn't want to just sit here if she was not going to say anything. He didn't want to be sat there like a mug. He was trying to remain calm, but nothing seemed to work. He gave up after about two minutes of her not saying anything.

'Well when you feel ready to tell me, call me' He finally said, getting up from his seat and began walking to the door. Charlie looked up to see him leave, however on his way out he had knocked her coat off the hook. There was a quiet thump, indicating something fell on the floor. He looked down to see her coat lying there, but next to it was a box that had fallen out of the coat pocket. She turned round seeing it was the test that had fallen out of the coat pocket and started to wish she hadn't of left in such a open place. Why didn't she hide it in her bedroom draw or something? However Sickboy was still unsure of what it was; he leaned down to pick up what he had dropped and turned to packaging round once he picked it up. He read the bold print on the front of the packaging and froze. He slowly turned around to face Charlie, only to see her looking straight back at him with a tear in her eye.

'Is this what I think it is?' He asked her. She nodded and quietly replied with a yes.

'Well are you?' he followed up, still frozen in his place; he didn't know what the hell to do.

'I haven't taken it yet, but I'm pretty sure yeah.' She told him, looking up to see how he would react.  They was a deafening silence between the two. Sickboy looked back down at the box in his hands, walking closer to her, only to hand it over to her. She saw the box and then looked up to him.

'I think you should take it, just to make sure' He told her, unsure of what he would want the outcome to be. She grabbed the box from his hand, nodding her head as she got up and made her way to the bathroom as Sickboy was stuck in his place, scared to move. He heard the bathroom door close behind him as he stood staring at the same spot on the sofa where Charlie had been sitting. What if the test came out positive? What if it came out negative? He didn't know if he would be upset or not if it turns out they weren't expecting. He had never really been planning to ever have kids, let alone now. He could barely look after himself let alone a wailing kid; and Charlie. He didn't want to be rude, but she was hardly mother material, maybe in the future, but definitely not now.

The same thoughts were going through Charlies head as she sat down waiting for the test to do what it needed to do. She could hardly make toast without burning it, how could she possible be expected to take care of a child. She had had these thoughts plague her mind all month, but only now where they coming back to haunt her. As she looked over to the stick, she could see two solid pink lines. Holy crap. Great. Her fear had become reality and now she had to go tell Sickboy. She was glued to the seat for a while. Trying to wrap her head around everything and trying to think of what she would tell Sickboy. She was almost scared to go outside and see him, afraid of what he'll say. She wanted the floor to swallow her up, that would be an alright excuse as to why she could tell Sickboy. Her gut was telling her to stay, but her brain said it was the right thing to do, go out there and tell him. So that's what she done. She bit the bullet and moved towards the bathroom door, with the test in her hand.

The door opened up behind him as Charlie shuffled out from behind the door, with a stick looking thing in her hand that he could only suspect it being the test.

'Well?' He asked her. She looked up to see his face. She could never tell what Sickboy was thinking, however in this moment in time it was written all over his face. He was scared.

'I'm sorry' Was the first thing out of her mouth. She didn't know what else to say. They both didn't ask for this to happen, but it did and she blamed herself for it. She knew it wasn't all her fault, but she was the one carrying the baby and she was the one that wound up pregnant, so she felt like she was the only one to blame in this situation.

'So your pregnant.' He said, making it more of a statement then a question. He looked over to see her nodding with tears slowly running down her face.

'I'm sorry' Charlie repeated unsure of what else to say. She didn't want to look up. She heard footsteps go to the door and then the door slam shut. She didn't want to look up and see that Sickboy had walked out on her. She stood in shock for a moment; she didn't know what to do and she was hoping that he would've had the answers, but instead he just walked out. Before even thinking she ran over to the phone and called up her sister to come over as soon as she could. As she put down the phone, the emotions couldn't be held back any longer. Charlie had broken down in tears and fell to the floor where she stood. As hard as she tried, nothing could stop her feeling suck strong emotions. Hate, sadness, worry, confusion, panic. The little strength she did have left, ended up walking out the door with Sickboy. She had hit a brick wall and didn't know how to get over it. How had everything turned upside down in a matter of moments. This morning she woke up and everything was okay. And now all of a sudden she was sat there, crying her eyes out wanting the guy that just walked out on her back. All she could think about at the moment is how much of a sap she had turned into. Before she had met Sickboy, she would just laughed at everything that happened and just would've gone to get an abortion and never talk to the father again. But now she was sat there unsure of what to do. For some reason she couldn't bring herself to have an abortion. I mean it was clear to her now that Sickboy didn't want the kid, but for some reason she couldn't get rid of it. She realised she had fallen into a hole and couldn't bring herself out of it. She looked over to didget to see his face resting on her leg looking back up to her with puppy dog eyes. She smiled slightly, before picking herself back up and walking back to her bedroom, to feel bad for herself even further. She knew she messed up now and didn't know how to fix it. She had officially hit a brand new low.

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