Start from the beginning

"What is this?" Josuke asked, not understanding what he was looking at.

"Haaah? Can't you read?!"

It was understandable that Josuke couldn't see shit since the PSP screen was so horribly cracked it even gave Josuke a mild headache. It took him a couple seconds just to look past the clumsy damage and read what was on the screen. If Okuyasu hadn't dropped the game console on the ground twelve years ago, this wouldn't even be a problem.

Okuyasu scrolled down on his PSP some more. It was a chat full of messages with Okuyasu and some person name 'japanesegoddess420'.

"I started talking to this babe through chat last night and she became my girlfriend!"

Josuke rose his brow skeptically. It was pretty obvious that these messages from this chick was fake, but he was aware of the lack of critical thinking skills Okuyasu had. Who even named themselves japanesegoddess420? It was unrealistic that someone would hook up with another person after a couple messages.

"And here's her photo! She's such a babe!"

When Okuyasu scrolled down, he full-screened a photo taken from Joogle Images of a woman who appeared to be in her late thirties. She had a beautiful face, long black hair, and the acceptable basom size for high school boys their age. The selfie could've been believable if the photo wasn't so horrendously low quality and the picture's dimensions weren't the size of a nickel.

"Uhh..." said Josuke. How should he break it down to his friend nicely? "And how old did she say she was?"

"Like forty!" Okuyasu said proudly with a perverted grin on his face. The blush going across his face showed was also an indication that he was getting aroused inside his head.

Josuke felt like vomiting up the bits of his bread at the thought of Okuyasu genuinely hooking up with a woman thrice his age. He always suspected his best friend had a fetish for older women since he only complimented ladies his mother's age and sent him photos of women in their thirties and up from dating profiles into the group chat on Joscord.

Josuke and Koichi always left those unsettling messages on read and changed the topic, but there was no running now.

Josuke took a large swallow from his bread and took one more glance at the bright, cracked PSP screen Okuyasu was shoving into his face. He knew he's seen enough as soon as the text messages turned risqué and he saw the word "mommy" in there.

He choked up on his bread and it accidentally went flying out of his mouth and landed onto the ground. Josuke didn't condone littering the planet, so he picked up his soggy bread piece and tossed it into a nearby trashcan.

"Holy crap. Are you okay, man?"

"O-Okuyasu. I don't know how to tell you this, but..." Josuke randomly leaned back into a Michael Jackson stance, pointing at his brother-from-another-mother with a finger from the hip freshly. "I think you're being catfished."

"H-Huh?! There's no way I'm being catfried! You're just jealous, Josuke!"

"I'm serious. Don't you think the situation is sorta unrealistic?"

"That's enough! If you aren't gonna support Leslie's and I's relationship, then don't talk about us at all!"

Leslie wasn't even a Japanese name. Josuke was internally shaking his head in disappointment.

"Alright, let's bet money on it," Josuke cockily, his blue pupils turning into green dollar signs that were as bright as his greed. "How about 5545 yen?"

He knew his friend didn't have lots of cash lying around, so he'll have to set the bargain low.

"Fine! I'll ask Leslie to meet up with me tomorrow and I'll prove to your face that she's real!" Okuyasu agreed, riled up enough to agree to such a stupid thing without thinking twice about if he had the money to begin with. He just knew he wanted to prove his girlfriend was as real as his love for her.

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