07 ~ Finally

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After Joshua had told Sunny about what had happened in the morning she actually didn't expect Jihoon to show up. But when she was entering the empty basketball court she could make out a figure on the far side of the field.

The person was wearing a sweater in different shades of blue. He was playing with something in his hands but slipped it into the pocket of his jeans when he noticed someone was watching him. When he looked up she slowly raised her hand to wave at him. He greeted her with a nod and they both made their way to the stands on the margin of the field.

When he was finally standing in front of her she was surprised by how incredibly calm he seemed. "So it's you?", he asked with a hint of a smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

"It's me.", she confirmed.

"Finally.", he replied brusquely.

"So I heard you are quite fond of my writing?", she tried to break the ice with a joke not expecting his eyes to light up in admiration like a little kid looking up to an idol. "You are amazing!", he exclaimed. "And your singing is quite good too...", he added more quietly as if his outburst had embarrassed him.

"Thanks for the high praise.", she answered. "Your vocals are not too bad as well."

"You are quite different from the way I imagined you", he said after a little pause.

"That might be because you met my better half first", she indicated with a smile.

"Look.. I.. I am.. really sorry", he suddenly uttered.

"There's nothing to feel sorry about. If anyone is apologising it should be me!", she felt the need to interrupt.

He shook his head. "I'm just.. feeling so confused!", with a frustrated sigh he sat down on the bleachers.

"I know... and that is all my fault!", Sunny was feeling quite guilty. He was looking up to her and she was fighting the urge to just pull him into a hug.

"I just, I read your stories and I... I just assumed that.. you must have felt something.. for me.. you know?", he stammered softly.

"The one you fell in love with isn't me Jihoon, it is the girl in the story. And the girl in the story is right here.", Sunny said, pointing to the right with a nod of her head. When Jihoon followed the gesture and recognised Cat standing a few metres away he jumped to his feet. Even from afar Sunny could make out Cats' shy smile, hope and insecurity shining in her eyes.

Jihoon turned back to Sunny. He took a step closer and pulled her into a hug. "I think you're right!", he whispered into her ear before letting go of her as suddenly as he had pulled her in. There was a huge grin on his face when he winked and shouted: "Thanks" over his shoulder already running over to pull Cat into his arms. Sunny could see tears of happiness shimmering in her best friends' eyes.

The two lovebirds shared a seemingly endless embrace. When they finally separated again, Cat looked back to Sunny. "Good Luck!", she yelled with a devilish little smile. Holding hands they stormed off the field together. Sunny couldn't quite make sense of her friends' words but at this moment she really didn't care. They had made it! She made a little jump in the air smiling happily.

When she had calmed down a bit again, Sunny went to make her way back to her car. Suddenly she froze. She had thought she had been left alone on the field but looking up she noticed somebody was leaning against the fence near the entrance.


"I talked to our manager. He said they can date.", Joshua reported when she finally caught up to him.

"Really? That's great news!", Sunny cried out in excitement. In an outburst of happiness she flung her arms around Joshua. He was joining in into her laughter and put his arms around her. They had really succeeded! Sunny felt like this was the most joyful moment of her life.

Suddenly she felt him stiffen under her embrace. She looked up in confusion. "I need to tell you something.", he said meeting her astonished gaze.

„I... I really...", he started, making her heart race. What was he about to tell her? „I really like you.", he finally managed. Her heart started pounding. Was this a confession? But if so why was he looking so uneasy?

You.. I..", he continued, his voice broke again. „What's the matter?", she tried to encourage him to keep going. Finally he found the strength to speak:"I suppose you didn't see the statement the company made the other day after that incident with the video of us in the Café." She shook her head no. She had felt so overwhelmed by all of the messages she had received that day she hadn't bothered looking out for a statement. „Well our manager had the idea to make it seem like we did a collaboration.", he continued hesitantly. „So if we were to announce that we are dating now the statement would seem like a lie." She thought about it and understood that this could throw really bad light on them but still she didn't quite get where he was going with this. „So.. There would be the possibility of meeting in secret, but... the company is through a lot... and we really don't need another scandal", he finally finished.

He took a small step back. The meaning of his words slowly came through to her.

"I'm sorry.", he repeated in a cruel déjà vu. The tormented look in his eyes showed her he really meant it.

When he left there was only one thought on her mind.

How can you fight so hard for someone else's happiness without spending one thought on your own?

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