02 ~ Surprise

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Sunny sat up straight in her bed and screamed.

In a hysterical overreaction she threw her phone away, let herself fall back onto the mattress again and hid under the covers of her bed as if she was able to flee the outworld by doing so.

Had this really happened? It couldn't be real. This had to be fake. This could. not. be. Happening.

„Calm doooown, Sunny", she told herself. „Steady breathing..", she tried to be convincing and followed her own instructions by concentrating on the air entering and leaving her body.

Breathing out, and in, and out again. When she had managed to calm down a bit she finally dared to pull back the covers over her head and blink over to the place where she assumed she had thrown her phone. „God, tell me it isn't broken.", she sighed, turning her inner horror into a more bearable emotion: angriness concerning her own silly behaviour.

She crawled out of her bed and picked up her mobile that had miraculously stayed in one piece.

„Please let this be a dream.", she whispered unlocking the phone but there it was again, the new message in her Inbox that had already spooked her that much earlier. This time she felt a little bit more composed, even if just slightly.

With a disbelieving undertone in her voice she started to read the message out to herself.

„Dear Sunny, my name is Lee Jihoon, I know it will be very hard for you to believe that this is actually the real deal, but please give me the chance to prove my true identity to you. I am aware of the fact that in contacting you I am undergoing a great risk for my career but it is a risk I am willing to take. To assure you that it is actually me I recorded a little video."

Sunnys thumb was trembling as she opened the video he had sent.

Her screen was glowing darkly, she could barely make out his figure in a dimly lighted room. As she turned up the volume of her phone she realized what he was doing.

He was singing a song. But it wasn't just any song. It was a song that she had written.

Sunnys heart seemed to explode. It was really him.

As if the situation couldn't have gotten any worse a little vibration announced the incoming of another message.

"So now that I have proven myself I need to ask you: Will you agree on meeting with me?"

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