As Mae and Ribrianne charged at each other 17 jumped up leading Kakunsa away from the arena. He landed on the light and then with one swift attack he sent an energy blast sending the girl out of bounds. "Is that even fair?!" One of the destroyers said. 

"Grand Zen-Oh says it's fine." The Grand Priest said.

"Kakunsa!" Ribrianne shouted as she kicked Mae into the ground.

17 landed next to Mae and faced Ribrianne. "You good?"

"Yea, she just got a good hit in." Mae said wiping her mouth.

"You evil, heartless man!" Ribrianne became angry, her pink aura surrounding her.

"So I'm evil then?" 17 said.

Mae burst out laughing causing Ribrianne to glare at her. "Is this man your lover?"

"What? No." Mae said holding her side.

"Of course someone as ugly as you could never have love." Ribrianne said.

"Now you are just hurting my feelings." Mae pouted. "You could at least take me to dinner first."

17 smirked at that comment. "Alright Ribrianne! I am Android 17, let's see which is stronger, your love or my wish!" He was clearly getting into it.

"I will defeat you, you warrior of darkness!" Ribrianne pointed at him. 17 and Ribrianne charged at each other and Mae hung back. She looked over and saw that Goku was still fighting Rozie. He must have been having a harder time that she thought.

17 looked over and jumped in front of Goku bringing up a barrier, protecting him from Rozie's energy blasts. Mae used that opening to attack Rozie, "Big Bang Attack!" She yelled sending the energy beam at the girl.

"Thanks Mae, 17!" Goku said and he used the opening Mae created to create energy balls cutting Rozie off. He then caused one to explode sending Rozie close to the edge of the arena.

Mae attacked Ribrianne sending her next to Rozie. "Let's knock them off together!" Mae said preparing her next attack.

"It would be helpful if you would just jump on your own." 17 told the girls holding up a hand.

Suddenly the Yardrat from universe came to their rescue. "Ladies, let's retreat for now." He said using his instant transmission to get them away.

"We should go after them." Mae said.

"No. The Yardrat could prove to be difficult." Goku said.

"You two take care and don't drop your guard." 17 said as he ran off.

"Mae good luck!" Goku said as he too ran off.

Mae turned on her heels and took off until she came up on Gohan and Piccolo. Piccolo was standing with his arms crossed and Gohan was taking on Botamo. "Come to watch your twin fight?" He asked her.

"I guess so." Mae said putting her hands on her hips. "How's he doing?"

"See for yourself." Piccolo said.

Gohan used the force of his punches to pick Botamo up. He then carried him to the edge and kicked him over. "Kamehameha!" He yelled sending the final blow sending Botamo out.

"I'm taking you with me!" Botamo sent an energy beam at Gohan's turned back.

"Gohan!" Mae shouted but Gohan already turned and knocked the blast away. "Looks like you are doing well." She cocked her head as Gohan walked up.

"Hey Mae!" Gohan smiled at her.

"You there!" A warrior said from above them. "You look worthy enough to fight me!" He pointed at Gohan. "I am Obuni and this is Rubalt." He gestured to the red man next to him.

"You'll be fighting me, little girl." Rubalt grinned.

"Why does everyone keep calling me a little girl?" Mae sighed.

"Probably cause you are so short." Gohan teased.

"I'm not that short!" Mae snapped.

"You're like the same height as Krillin!" Gohan retorted.

"Am not!" Mae glared at him.

"Can we not do this now!" Piccolo yelled at the twins.

"Haha sorry Piccolo." Gohan said. "Alright Obuni I'll fight you."

Rubalt jumped down and started attacking Mae who rushed back dodging his attacks. She was mostly trying to get the fighter separated from his friend. "Are you just going to keep dodging, girl?" He asked with a cocky grin.

"You want me to attack?" Mae was suddenly right in his face and punched him hard in the stomach.

"How are you this strong?!" He asked holding his stomach.

"I work hard." Mae grinned. "Final Flash!" She yelled the energy beam sent him over the edge and she went back to where Piccolo was watching.

"That was quick." Piccolo said as she came bounding up.

"To be fair he was easy to beat." Mae shrugged. She turned her attention to Gohan's fight. He seemed to be struggling. Obuni was able to shift his energy and use feints. "I'll go help!" Mae said taking a step forward.

"Wait." Piccolo said putting an arm out to stop her. "You can't fight all of Gohan's battles. Let him see this through." Mae looked up at the Namekian then back to her brother who was getting pushed back.

"Rah!" Gohan yelled powering up. When Obuni went in for an attack Gohan got in a punch. Finally he was able to fight back by using counterattacks.

"Not a bad idea." Mae said watching her brother. "He could end up taking a lot of damage though."

Obuni stopped, "What is your name warrior?"

"I am Son Gohan from universe seven." Gohan said proudly.

"It has been an honor to fight you Son Gohan." The old man began breathing heavy. He was running out of stamina for his feints and Gohan knew that.

"Kamehameha!" Gohan jumped up sending the old man flying.

"Universe 10 is out of fighters." The Grand Priest announced. "They will now be erased." Instantly the universe was gone.

Gohan stood looking out to the void clenching his fist. "Gohan." Mae said delicately, she knew he must be feeling guilty.

"Gohan, let's go." Piccolo said turning to the center of the arena.

"Right." Gohan turned around following his mentor.

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