Chapter 17

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I leaned back against the tree I was sitting against. For the last two days, Smoke had been asleep, recovering from her injuries. We didn't speak to each other much besides the occasional hello and how are you. Her wings had been wrapped up by bandages and Zila had restricted her to the bedroom. I stood up once the sun touched the top of the trees, making my way inside the house. I sat down at the kitchen table, trying to remember my way to Michael's fortress of a base. The only other one here that knows their way to the fortress is Zila, but I doubt she'd be willing to help. Ever since I told her what happened to Robert, she's refused to speak to me about much.

"April, when do you want to head out?" Smoke's voice spoke.

I looked up to see Smoke standing in the doorway, her wings bandaged and folded gently against her back. She had a tired look on her face as she looked at me. I frowned, trying to figure out the best time to go. If we left when she was fully healed, it might be difficult for me to do what I need to do depending on how long it takes for her to heal. I wanted to be home before my child was born and I wanted to tell Luke he was going to be a father well before that. If we waited longer than two months, Luke might end up showing up out of the blue to return me home. If we left now, there's no guarantee that we could get out by having Smoke fly us out.

"I think it would be safer to wait a while before we head out, to give your wings more time to heal," I spoke, leaning back against the chair I was sitting in.

"What are you going to do while we wait?" Smoke asked.

"I'll go to Alexander's home. He might have left the notes he had from when he studied their movements. I could use them to figure out the best way to get in." I mumbled as I covered my face with my arms.

"And what should I do? Should I stay here with these werewolves?" She asked me.

"That would be safest. We need your wings to get better so we can just fly out of there after we recover Vivien." I spoke.

I listened to her footsteps recede and closed my eyes with a sigh. Today will probably not be like the day I woke up here, but it still would be a long day. I had to walk all the way to his house, then search it for his notes only to walk back. I don't even know how long it would take me in the first place. The darkness that hid behind my closed eyes was suddenly assaulted by a brilliant golden light.


All around me, I could only see the golden light, but it slowly dimmed to reveal the house Luke and I had lived in. Standing in the house was my mother, Michael, James, Mary, Rick, and Peter. They seemed to be arguing with each other over something and that's when I saw the man tied to a chair, his crimson eyes focused on Rick, Peter, and Michael. Peter looked as if he was ten at the time of this vision, not his usual sixteen years old look. Michael's eyes were blue and not crimson for once. Before I could get a closer look at the vampire, the vampire moved from his chair, launching himself towards me.


I jolted back, the vision clearing and Smoke rushing to my side. She was holding my shoulder, a startled, worried, and confused look in her eyes. She helped me up, moving the chair aside as she did so.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

"J-Just a vision," I mumbled as I pushed my hair out of my face.

"What was the vision about? Did it involve Vivien? Was it telling you where she is?" Smoke asked as Zila walked into the room.

"Smoke, get to bed now. You're supposed to be resting and staying in the bedroom." Zila grumbled.

I watched Zila cross her arms as she watched Smoke. Smoke sighed, rolling her shoulders before walking out of the kitchen to go to the bedroom she had been assigned. Zila moved to the fridge, grabbing out two bottles of water. She walked over to me, placing the water bottle down in front of me. She sat down across from me, holding the water bottle in her hand.

SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora