Chapter 15

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The sound of screams filled my ears, and I sat up quickly. I looked around to find myself laying in my bedroom. Luke was nowhere to be seen. The smell of death and blood filled my nose, causing me to scramble from my bed. I grabbed my sword and rushed to the window. I looked out at Arilis to find houses on fire and bodies lying on the ground. My eyes widened and I rushed out of my bedroom. I ran down the stairs and gasped in shock when I tripped over a body. I looked down and a scream surfaced from mouth. Laying there on the ground was Mark and Luke.

I could feel the anger burning in my chest and I stood up. I unsheathed my sword and walked down the halls towards the front doors. Bodies laid all around me, most of them were those on my council. I pulled open the door and stepped outside to see Michael standing there. He was holding Sandra up by the scruff of her tiger form. Her golden eyes were vivid with anger, and she tried to claw at Michael. Her claws never got near his body. I felt the anger that was burning in my chest suddenly move down to my hand.

"Let my teacher go." I growled.

This voice that spoke wasn't mine. It was a much younger and softer voice as if it belonged to a young girl, no older than eleven. I looked down at my hand to see flames swarming my hand and I held it as if it wasn't affecting me. Michael glared at me, not even moving forward as he placed a dagger against Sandra's throat.

"Drop your sword or your teacher will get killed and then your mother, father, and sister." Michael threatened.

"Leave my mother and sister alone!" I yelled as the sword dropped from my hand.

Michael took a step forward as he tossed Sandra aside. The next thing I knew, fire shot out of my hand and engulfed Michael. His screams of agony caught me off guard as I stood there watching him burn to death. The other vampires near him backed away swiftly. Sandra stood and roared at the vampires as she charged at them. A white Bengal tiger with green eyes that I didn't recognize leaped onto a vampire's back and tore open their neck. I watched as my tiger form raced to help the unrecognizable white Bengal tiger.

How was I out there when I stood right in the doorway watching myself help kill vampire? There was something off about my eye color as well. My eyes were half green and not fully golden anymore. I watched as I walked up to myself and bent down to look into those green, golden eyes.

"Mom, wake up." I spoke.


"April, wake up." Smoke called out.

I woke up with a start and clung onto my chest as I looked at Smoke. The storm had finished, and Smoke stood there with a shocked look in her blazing blue eyes. I sat up and took deep breaths as she offered me her hand to help me stand up. I grabbed her hand, and she helped me stand.

"We should start talking about whether we're to continue forward or return to Culada. By now, your husband would have woken up to find you gone. Lady Augusta would have called a meeting of the heads of each species to send out the fastest and swiftest flyers to find us. If we do not choose now, we'll most surely be found." Smoke said as she walked to the cave entrance.

"Do you even know which direction we need to go to get to Florida?" I asked her.

"We need to go that way." Smoke spoke as she pointed behind us and a little to the left.

"Then let's get going." I mumbled.

"What about your husband? Wouldn't he like to know he's going to be a father?" She asked as she looked down at my stomach.

"Luke can wait." I grumbled.

"And what are we going to do for food?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

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