The Cost of a Hero (Sequel to Price of a Hero

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Thanks to SkylarRose for the title, here is the first chapter..enjoy

Chapter 1:

  swung around the city with my adopted brother Louis, it’s been about 6 months since Eddie and Cletus been locked up, I have to say it has been pretty good, I landed on a roof, Louis landed next to me, “What’s on the agenda today?” Louis asked, looking around.  “Reflexes,” I answered, walking over to the edge, “Oh, that’s easy,” Louis chuckled, walking up next to me, I smirked, I tripped him, causing him to fall off the edge and crash onto a dumpster.  “Hey!” He grumbled, I laughed, jumping down, “Now, if that happened to me I would simply flipped, webbed the wall and stopped myself from total embarrassment,” I chuckled, “Yeah, yeah, that was a lucky shot, it won’t happen again,” He crossed his arms across his chest, “Oh really? Fine hotshot, meet me at Ce-“ My words trailed off when we heard an alarm go off, “Lets go,” Louis swung off, I followed.

We landed on a pole in front of a bank, “Let’s go,” I said, swinging in, Louis followed, I landed on the floor, “Well, what do we have here,” I said, robbers stopped and looked at us, “Here is a test, whoever gets hit first has to do dishes,” I said then lunged at one of them.  I ducked under his arm and tripped him, then I webbed him to the floor, one of them jumped on my back, I grabbed his head, pulled him over my shoulder, and slammed onto the other guy.  I looked over at Louis who was finishing the last guy, I smiled under my mask, my spider-sense went off but it was too late, I got slammed into a wall, I groaned, looking up at a guy in a yellow suit and he had things on his forearm.  “Wasn’t that a shocking feeling,” He laughed, “Who are you?” Louis asked, helping me up, “Well, people call me a lot of things but you can call me Shocker,” He fired at us, I pushed Louis out of the way then jumped up onto the ceiling.  “Wow, nice tazers,” I smirked then looked at Louis, he nodded then jumped on Shocker’s shoulders, I webbed his hands then Louis grabbed his head and threw him up.  I swung off the ceiling and kicked Shocker while he was in mid-air then Louis grabbed his feet and slammed him onto the floor, I landed next to Louis and looked down at Shocker as he groaned, “Our time will come,” He coughed, Louis and I looked at each other then at Shocker, “Who is we?” I asked, “You will get to know them soon enough,” He shot Louis and I.  We flew backwards out of the bank; we landed on the street and slid a little, “Are you okay?” I asked, helping Louis up, “Yeah, what was he talking about?” Louis asked, brushing the dirt off his suit, “I’m not sure but I have a feeling that it isn’t good,” I said, looking around, “That’s just your stomach growling,” Louis patted my stomach, “By the way, you have dishes,” Louis said then swung off, I rolled my eyes and swung after him. 

I walked into the house in my normal clothes, “What happened?” My Aunt May asked, wiping her hands with a cloth, I opened my mouth but Louis beat me to it, “He was staring at a hot girl and ran into a stop sign,” Louis grinned, walking past me, Aunt May smiled, shaking her head and walking back into the kitchen, “Why did you tell her that?” I asked, following Louis into the living room, “Because, you would have came up with some lame excuse about you falling off your skateboard going down a steep hill,” Louis said, sitting down.  “That was a one time thing,” I argued, sitting next to him, “Face it Peeta, you suck at making excuses,” Louis said, grabbing two x-box controllers, I rolled my eyes, taking one of the controllers, “I do not,” I grumbled, he smirked then started playing.

After we played COD: Ghost I did dishes then I went to my room, I laid on my bed and started doing my homework when I heard a knock, “Come in,” I said.  Aunt May walked in, wearing her nurse uniform, “I just want to let you know that I have to work a late shift so you and Louis will be home alone for awhile,” She said, I smiled, “Okay, be careful, love you,” I said, she returned the smile, “I love you, see you later, She waved then closed my door.  I sat there for a few minutes, biting my pencil then I got up, I changed into my Spider-Man suit then walked out, “Louis, I’m going out, I’ll see you later,” I slid my mask on, he waved then I walked out then swung off.

The Cost of a Hero (Sequel to Price of a Hero)Where stories live. Discover now