Death? or Worse?

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Now Yes I haven't updated in a while and I apologize. I've been busy and lazy but your patience shall be rewarded. Enjoy! - Boris

It was pitch black, so dark you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of you. Now that would be a big problem and that problem is what Boris was dealing with at the moment. He had awoke in a dark room, the last thing he remembered was getting pinned to the ground. It seemed he had passed out with the impact based on him being somewhere new with no memories as to how he arrived. Boris then started to gather his thoughts, he knew he needed to be calm. After, Boris then started to feel along the walls of the dark room until he found a switch and flicked it in. To his surprise the light actually turned on. The room he had been in was an old office or what was left of it. The room itself was filthy with ink and paper, even the door looked like it it was fragile enough to break at a tap. Boris snapped out of his analyzing sort of day dream and tried to open the door. It was open which was another surprise, and the hallways seemed to be empty. Although the hallways seemed.. Different, darker, more ink stains, and pipes everywhere. Boris was awfully confused as to where he was, nothing was familiar in the slightest. Boris just shook his head in frustrated and started to walk down the hall, a strong ink smell growing as he walked on. Normally everything smells like Ink but this was different, it smelled like if there was a huge amount of it. Then to no surprise Boris stumbled upon what looked like an exit but there was a river of ink in the way. Boris then peaked to the sides of the exit only to see more ink, was he on an island?.. Then suddenly it clicked in his head where he was. Boris was in the place that was protected by ink, and was completely off limits. Boris was in the ink machine, and not just a machine, The machine. The thought of this made Boris start to panic a bit, this was the last place he ever wanted to be. The panic only kept rising as he saw a figure rise from the ink river. That figure was none other than the demon himself, Bendy.

Welp that's it for now, im sorry i cut it short but smut will maybe happen next time! :3 Bye bye for now everyone!

Bendy x Boris (Smut, Ect.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora