Jellybean and I had a blanket over us and she was cuddling into my side. I had my head resting on Jughead's shoulder.

We had only been watching the movie for ten minutes when I put my hand in the bowl of popcorn but there was nothing in there. Jughead already ate it all.

Betty: Juggie. I say with a whine. He laughs.

We paused the movie while he made some more popcorn.

He soon came back and I through a piece of popcorn at him, he rolled his eyes playfully.

We turned the movie back on and watched peacefully.

The movie had just gotten to the most crucial point and someone walks through the door, Fp.

He saw me and gave me a confused look.

Betty: hi? I asked suspiciously.
Fp: you're here? He says more like a question.
Betty: well I'm not a hologram. I say making Jughead and Jellybean snicker.
Fp: do you know how worried your dad and brother are? He says.
Jughead: didn't you text Sweet Pea like I told you? I remain silent.
Fp: well I'll call them so they don't end up sending a search team for you. He says only half jokingly.

We went back to the movie and we all ended up falling asleep on the couch.


I had been finishing up work at the Wyrm when I got a text saying Betty stormed out of the house. I said I'd tell them if I see her.

I have no doubt that everything with the Coopers is hectic right now. I also know how protective Sweet Pea and Hal are.

Although none of the kids would remember, we were all pretty close. I guess we're getting closer as well. But Jughead, Betty and Sweet Pea have all known each other since they were in diapers.

I know how tense Hal can be when he's being protective, I've watched him act like that when he was with Alice. Not to mention how much over bearing he's going to be after everything. I mean he definitely has a right to be protective of Betty but I don't think he, nor Sweet Pea realize they're smothering her.

Sweet Pea and Hal definitely have that in common.

I also know Betty, she would definitely hate them constantly checking up on her. She knows how to take care of herself, majority of the time.

Maybe hectic is an understatement.

I let out a sigh and finish up for the day. I collect all my things and head out to my bike.

I arrived home and saw that Betty was hiding out at my house. I'm honestly not surprised she's here. I feel like in her subconscious this is her safe place and something automatically tells her to come here without thinking about it. I obviously don't mind, as along as she's safe.

I gave the kids some space since my kids suddenly ignore me when they have friends over. Ungrateful kids.

I texted Hal and told him that Betty was at my house and she's safe.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the night until I decided to check on the kids at about 1 am.

I walked into the living room and saw Jellybean sleeping against Betty and Betty and Jughead cuddling. I picked up the blanket that had fallen off them and covered them so they wouldn't get cold.

I then walked back into my room and fell asleep. It's been a long day.

Sweet Pea POV:

After Betty stormed out of the house I was pissed and couldn't careless where she went.

We're worried about her. She has been through a lot and us caring for her shouldn't be something that she gets upset over. She was drugged for fucks sake. It's an unknown drug that we know nothing about. We don't even know if it's fully out of her system. Sorry for being concerned. She's being immature.

As soon as she stormed out dad walked up to me and began asking me questions about why she left. I wish I could have said because she's a brat.

I just told him we got into a fight and then I headed to my room.

I was fuming with anger. You try to be nice to a person and get its you know where.

I didn't bother sending her a text or calling her about where she was, I was to angry to care.

I had been in my room for about five hours when dad walked in.

Hal: Betty's safe. He says.
Sweet Pea: whatever. I say with no emotion.
Hal: aren't you wondering where she is? He asked while raising an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: I honestly couldn't care less if the Ghoulies had gotten her. I say with an annoyed expression.

Dad let out a sigh and walked out of my room.

If Betty wants to act like this I'm not going to give a shit about her, that's what she wants after all.

Hal POV:

I have no idea what to do with these two.

I've been away from them for so long, they've changed and grown up. They aren't the same little kids that I know.

There has to be something that I can think of to stop these two from fighting and so they'll go back to their usual selves.

I will always regret missing them growing up and right now I'm paying for it.

A brother sister fight : (
What's going on with Jughead and Betty?
Hal doesn't know what to do.
Who's side are you one? Betty or Sweet Pea?

Just a little Sweet Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora