-Mr Sarcastic. [Chapter 52]

Start from the beginning

The reality was that I had missed him, and this, too. A lot. And I always did, he has my heart, of course he does. But he has everything else as well. And sometimes it makes me kind of hopeless that I can’t seem to live without him but in the same way it’s beautiful too, it’s not just my heart he possesses of, it’s everything that’s ever keeping me alive. It’s dramatic to say so, but it’s also true. And there’s nothing wrong within the truth, sometimes it’s ugly, and sometimes it’s beautiful. But it is what is and nobody can change that, you can tweak it and lie over it but it’ll always still be there lingering, and forever haunting the lie that was supposed to conceal it.

“I’ve missed you too, and this, of course.”

I grinned and he returned it, I would never get tired of that smile, of this boy. Leaning down he covered my lips with his again in a soft and slow kiss. However much I wanted to carry on and let this progress further I forced myself to pull away, knowing all too well we’d already been in here for too long.

“Come on Nialler, we’ve gotta get dressed…We’ll continue this later.”

I winked letting myself fall to my normal height and prying his hands from me as I slid open the nearest drawer hearing the wood to wood contact always made me shiver, I hated that sound. Niall just stood there watching me with a half smug and half slightly bewildered look on his face. I was making a grab for some fresh underwear from the bottom of the drawer when he wrapped his arms around me again.

“You can’t say you’ve missed me and then pull away…”

He pouted resting his chin over my shoulder and slowly working his fingers around my hips and underneath my top. I shivered with the impure and cheeky action his fingers were inflicting onto my bare stomach sending ripples of shock and emotion through me. They were so small, like testing a pen for the right ink, small and unimportant movements barely leaving a mark but at the same it’s so permanent, so scarring, but in a good way. You can’t erase it and you can’t forget it, it’s etched into you for life, you can repeat it but you can’t re-create it, it’s the most contrasting thing.

“But I just did…”

I breathed turning my neck to face him a smug smile playing across my lips while he just continued to frown.

“Do we have to get dressed? I much prefer you like this…”

He breathed onto my neck as he slowly creeped his hand further up my top. I rolled my eyes trying to give him a scolding look but I seemed to be unable to produce one, but maybe that was nothing new.

“Yes…Justin’s waiting out there you know.”

I frowned and Niall considered this for a moment.

“I was nice though and he wasn’t nice back.”

Niall whined and I sighed. I knew this, this was completely true but I really didn’t want to have to be the one to witness a Niall-Justin argument, not just today, anytime. I wanted them to get along, and it seemed as if Niall was prepared to do that but Justin still wouldn’t let what happened months ago go, and if I had, why couldn’t he?

“I know. I’m sorry.”

I whispered against his mouth, he just shook his head melting his lips onto mine instead. I definitely felt bad about Justin acting like this, and I also felt extremely defensive of Niall. The past is the past, I’ve moved on, accepted his a million and one apologies and I’ve got over it now and I’m more than just happy that I’m back with Niall (and this time I intend it to be for a long time) so why can’t Justin just be happy for me?

“It’s not your fault. It’s nobody’s fault. You know I understand if he doesn’t like me and all, I mean, I have been a complete dick.”

Niall shrugged and I frowned now spinning around to face him.

Second Snapshot (Picture This Sequel: Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now