❤8❤~The feelings for nikki~

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It's been 2 weeks since Seon was 'arrested' and Harrison and Nerris are together. ever since that day, I've been denying that I like nikki. I've been hanging out with her a lot. And I feel funny when I'm around her, the blush coming to my face when she touches me. We tell each other everything. And I have this feeling, that's saying 'I want to spend my life with you' I pull Nerris into my tent. " Nerris, I think I might actually like nikki now.. " Nerris crosses her arms "you didn't like her before?" I shrug, tell me, how do I get her? " Nerris thinks for a moment. "Why don't you just..Tell her?" I grab her shoulders and shake her. "I want it to be special." Nerris fixes her glasses and sits on my bed. "Why don't you just..play her a song?" My face lights up. "I will! Nerris, I'm going to be playing it tomorrow night, on preston's stage, could you convince David to get the campers to come over?" Nerris nods. " What song will you be playing though" I give her a preview of the song I was going to play. "Thats perfect!" I smile. "Cool! Now get the fuck out so I can practice" Nerris laughs and rolls her eyes.
When I walk to the mess hall David and gwen pull me over to a corner. "What the fuck do you two shits want?" David crosses his arms. " Why do you need the campers by preston's stage tomorrow night? " God damn it nerris. I pull him down. "I'm going to be playing a song for nikki. Keep your mouth shut about it. Got it?" David nods and walks away. I look at Gwen and I pull her down. " here's the thing, gwen. This is what your gonna do. You will be making the state beautiful with lights and junk, not a party, just pretty lights. Got it? " Gwen smiles and nods. "Seriously, no party lights, I know You put up those party lights for the camp dance. " she rolls her eyes. "Fine.." In the middle of the night, I grab my ukulele and walk in the mess hall. I turn on the lights and start practicing the song for nikki. 30 minutes later, I'm feeling tired so I lay down on the bench. I close my eyes, For just a minute. I wake up to someone shaking me. "Max, nikki is looking for you." I sit up. " W-What's is she? " I yawn. Nerris points to where the docks are. I grab my ukulele, and give it to nerris. "Put that in my tent in my bed" Nerris nods and heads to my tent. I walk over to nikki who's pacing. "Hey nikki" nikki looks up. "Max, where WERE you? I go to your tents to see if your awake, and your not there!" I rub the back of my neck. "I was playing the ukulele in the mess hall last night..and I fell asleep in there.." Nikki loses her worried face. " Really? " I nod. She smiles cool, as long as you're alright. I smile. "Well, uh, I gotta go..help Neil get Tabii to shut the fuck up" Nikki nods. "Alright" I run over to Nerris once I see Nikki talking erid. "Alright, did David get Preston away from the state for today ?" Nerris nods. And Gwen found the perfect lights for the stage. They're all yellow! " I nod. Just need something. To make everything perfect. " Nerris looks at nikki. "Well, you could distract Nikki and I could teach the campers the background singing" I smile. "Yes!" Nerris crosses her arms. " Alright, I'll teach them right now. You get Nikki away from them ok? " I nod "ok" I walk over to nikki. She was in a tree "Nikki, do you wanna go on a adventure?" Nikki jumps down from the tree. " let's go~" she drags me into the forest and I turn around and give Nerris a thumbs up. With that, she gathers all the campers into the mess hall. I hope this works. I run to catch up to nikki. Let's do this.

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