💜 ochaco x fem!reader: offline

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request from close friend SeskiLegens! check em out!


"Ochaco, are you ok?" Mrs. Uraraka asked her daughter, who was eating very quickly.
"Yeah mom I just-" Ochaco swallowed her food, "have a lot of homework, I really wanna get to it! Can I go to my room?"
Her father chuckled.
"Of course. You always work so hard, Ocha, I'm proud."
The girl smiled warmly, washed her dish, and ran to her room, bouncing on her bed.
"c'mon (screen name), you gotta be online!" She murmured. She went into the Discord app.
(Screen Name) was online.
"Yay!" Ochaco quietly squealed.

•uravity•: hey!
(Screen Name): hi, airhead
•uravity•: so, ive been meaning to ask, you said you go to UA, and ive wanted to say this the second i read that
•uravity•: who are you?
Ochaco was practically, shaking while pressing the send button. She had fell in love with you, regardless of who you were in real life. She loved the way you thought carefully about every joke. The way you made her blush with every pick up line. She loved the way you wrote, the way- the way you were you.
(Screen Name): im (y/n). i know. you expected someone else. you expected someone special. but its me. im sorry
•uravity•: stay online, please!
•uravity•: i dont care who you are (not in that way) i just know that you make my heart race with every word. (y/n), i love you
Send. She pressed send. She buried her face in her pillow, now blushing and squirming.
"I told her. I told her! OH MY GOD I TOLD HER!" She rolled off her bed, smiling but worried. Her body began to lift up, so much so she hit the roof. 3rd time this week.
Incoming call from (Screen Name)
Uraraka gasped. She picked up immedietly.
"(Y/N)! Hi!"
"Hi, Ochaco. How are you?" Your words went through Ochaco's mind differently.
She used to think of it as her friend (Y/N)'s voice. Someone she loved platonically. A careless, weird teenager. Now she heard your voice as (Screen Name), someone who made her practically swoon at every word. Someone who made her feel special and giggly. A careful, beautiful being.
"G-Good! You?"
"Great, actually. Now that I know who I fell in love with. Thanks, Uraraka."
"F-For wha- Love? Me?" She stuttered. Her face was incredibly red.
"You're so cute when you stutter, you know that, right? I said thanks, because you made me feel special, Airhead." She giggled at the nickname she had worn proudly since (Screen Name) had called her that. (Y/N) had noticed the silence.
"Hoped you were gay. I really did. It hurt me to be only your friend."
"You knew who I was?! H- Oh, my username." She giggled, embarrased.
"Um, are we a thing now?" She asked, slightly less nervous now.
"I prefer, 'prideful thing' if that's okay." You joked.
"O-Ok! Whatever you say (Y/-" she heard your giggles through the phone.
"I'm kidding, Ura. As long as we're together, I wouldn't care if I was called a twat. I'd be the happiest- and smartest- twat ever."
"Wow. Um, ok! I have to go shower, I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)! I-" The rosy cheeked girl paused.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
You laughed softly.
"Love you too, Ura."
And just like that-
(Screen Name) was offline.

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