chapter nine

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It was the same day. Jack and I still weren't talking properly. I thought we had sorted it out. Clearly I was wrong. It got to about 10:00pm and all of the boys and I were sitting on the sofa playing truth or dare.
"Jess!" Brook was screaming my name and Rye and Andy were shaking me side to side. I must have zoned out.
"What?! Was a simple tap on the shoulder or a click in front of my face not enough for you abnormal humans to be able to wake me up?" I was triggered.
"Sorry, but it's your turn." Said Brook, it looked like I'd frightened him. Haha. I'm so happy I did.
Okay. Think Jess. You know what these boys are like. Pick dare, and it could ruin your life. But I'd also probably shock them. But would Jack agree with whatever dare the boys conjure up in their twisted little minds? If I pick truth, I'll get called boring, and they'll probably just twist it into a dare anyways.
"Okay... dare." I said. Jack got up and walked away.
I was about to chase after him like I do EVERY TIME. I decided to stay. Let him have his little hissy fit. Let him storm off like a child. I've had enough. He may be the baby of the band but he's no real baby. He can grow a pair and get over it.
"Are you not gonna go after him Jess?" asked Andy. Of course Andy would ask that. Especially after this morning.
"Let's just get on with game, and we'll let him get on with his childish attitude." All of the boys looked at me, shocked. I'm not gonna be his lovesick puppy that chases after him every time he gets annoyed. He hasn't been himself all day, but if he's not going to tell me why then why should I try and force it out of him? He clearly doesn't want me to know.
"Okay. I dare you to lick Andy's foot." Of course it would be Brook. Surprisingly, he hasn't given me a dare about making someone horny, because that's always seemed to be his favourite thing about life.
"Lick Andy's foot? That's disgusting Brook. What is wrong with you? I worry sometimes." I said to Brook, with a look of utter disgust written all over my face.
"Relax baby. I'm clean. I literally just got out of the shower." Andy remarked, over confident as usual.
"Okay, I'm not your baby. I have a boyfriend, which I thought we had already established after this mornings incident. Sorry boys, I'm out." And with that, I left. Up the stairs I went like a mother to her crying child. Every five seconds.
Jack was already asleep by the time I had gotten up the stairs, and he left a note on the cabinet saying:
'I need space tonight. This whole Andy has gotten too much. Sorry, I love you.'
Great. Looks like I'd be sleeping on the sofa tonight.
As I was walking back down the stairs to go and make myself some food, I could hear all of the boys burst into hysterical fits of laughter. When I got downstairs, I saw Mikey on the floor, in a crawling position, literally snogging Rye's left toe. I couldn't help but laugh. These boys always managed to put a smile on my face whatever happens. I love them all. Even Andy. Even Robbie. And especially Alex.

A couple of hours later, all the boys started heading off to bed. I grabbed the spare quilt and pillow from the cupboard under the stairs (Andy said he liked putting it there because it reminds him of Harry Potter).
Andy was the last person to go upstairs but before he did, he said to me:
"Trouble in paradise, I presume?" I looked out of the corner of my eye. Andy. He was the one who started all of this. Just leave, for once. Why doesn't he just stop ruining everything?
"Piss off Andy." I replied. He smirked.
"Looks like I'm taking the sofa tonight, ain't I Jess?"
I looked at him. He could tell I was confused.
"What are you on about?" I asked him.
"As if I'm going to let you sleep on the sofa. Take my bed for the night. I won't bother you, Scouts honour."
Scouts honour. That's all he ever goes on about. When I was a Boy Scout this and when I was a Boy Scout that. No one really cares anymore to be completely honest.
I don't want Jack to get suspicious when he sees me crawling out of Andy's bed in the morning, dying. It'll make the whole situation inflate by about 10 times as much. I can't be bothered to deal with that.
"Nah it's alright mate. I think I'm good with the sofa."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. What's not to love? There's Biscuit right here. And here I am. In teddy bear form."
He knew what I was referring to. The six foot bear that Jack had named after me when we had split all of those months ago. Andy chuckled.
"And look! I've got the kitchen right here. So if I get hungry, there's an endless supply of food. Unless you guys decide to come and smash and spill everything like you love to do all of the time."
Again, Andy chuckled.
"Goodnight Jess. But if you decide to take me up on that offer, just come and wake me up. I'm more then happy to sleep on the sofa for you." And with that, he walked out of the room, switched off the light for me and shut the door. I could hear him stomp, stomp, stomping up the stairs.
Finally. That hellish mockery of a conversation was finally over.
After watching a film on Netflix and editing some song lyrics, I decided it was time to grab a glass of water and go to sleep. But obviously, my social life had other plans. I had a text.
"Jess. I have to tell you something. I can't keep this from you any longer." Mikey texted. Now I was worried.
"Okay...." I replied, pretty fast.
"I have feelings for you."
Woah. First Andy tries to kiss me, and flirts with me all day, not even trying to hide it from Jack and the other boys. Now I've got Mikey... my best friend, telling me he likes me. I've got a boyfriend who doesn't even want to speak to me because of one of the boys and if he finds out about this it's going to throw us even more.
"Mikey. I'm with Jack. I can't have us ruined even more then we already have been. More then we already are. Please try and move on. You're my best friend. You were the one who fixed Jack and I's relationship, I will forever be grateful for that. Whatever your reasons were for doing that, thank you. And goodnight Michael."
I never got a text back from him. I'm quite glad though. It'll all work out okay. I did the right thing today, with Andy and Mikey. I can't help feeling like I need to tell Jack about it. Keeping secrets isn't good in a relationship. Especially a relationship that's had countless problems already.
It was now 1:00am. I was exhausted from today's endless dramas. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I prayed that in the morning everything would be okay with Jack and I. I don't know what else I can do to fix things if he hasn't moved past this all by the morning.

I awoke pretty suddenly to the feeling of someone tugging at my jumpers sleeve. I assumed that it was Biscuit.
"Go away Biscuit." I murmured, still half asleep.
"Oh, so I'm a dog now?" Said this mysterious voice.
I opened my eyes. My vision was blurred. I couldn't see clearly at all. After I rubbed my eyes, I could see him. There he was. My Jack.
"Come on you silly muffin, up to bed. I never wanted you to sleep on the sofa. What were you thinking you little idiot?" He said to me with a massive smirk on his face.
"You're cute." He said to me, as he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him. He carried me up to our room and I very quickly fell back to sleep in his arms, just like always. I loved our routine. Netflix, tomorrow night it is.

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