chapter eight

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"What about... 'beaches in the summertime, hot chocolate in the winter. When I'm with you, I just feel like a winner'. Do you like it?" Andy asked me. We had been working on new lyrics for hours and had came up with barely anything. Typical day.
"Yeah that's cool." I said to Andy. "How about we add 'never ending, superficial love. There's too many memories that I'm thinking of."
"I love that Jess! That's amazing!" Andy shouted, excitedly. "That's definitely getting put into the song. I can't wait for this EP to be released! Seriously! We've been amazing together so far! Let's practice the harmonies so we know whether it'll work with the boys."
"Shouldn't we just call the boys to try it themselves And?" I asked him, really confused.
"Nah. We'll surprise them."
'Surprise them? With what?' I thought. 'We've literally written a verse and a half.
We practiced the harmonies together. I sang the higher ones and Andy sang the lower ones. It actually sounded great! Andy and I are really good writers together.
As we were singing the harmonies, Andy stopped halfway through. I was puzzled, so I stopped to.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Nothing, nothing. Just keep going. When you finish, improvise to the tune of our song. I wanna hear what you can do."
Our song? I don't know what Andy's thinking. This isn't 'our song'.
So I kept going. I sang my heart out. Improvising at every lyrics end.
"Jess... that was amazing. You're a phenomenal singer. I love that."
Before I could thank him, he lent in to kiss me. I quickly pushed him off.
"What the fuck Andy?" I screamed.
"What? We were getting on so well... I thought you wanted me to kiss you!"
"You thought I wanted it? Andy I'm going out with Jack! Remember? You're best friend? We've been through hell and back together and you think I'm going to throw all of that away? Andy, I love you. You know I do. But not like that. You're like an older brother to me Andy."
"I'm sorry Jess. I never saw it that way. I don't know what came over me. I don't even have feelings for you. It was just the song. I got caught up in the moment."
"But Andy, we've written much more powerful love songs together before. And we've sang them together to. This is no comparison to what we've already wrote together."
"I know, I know. Let's just forget that and keep writing."
I walked up to Andy's room. I had just cooked Jess some lunch, her favourite; bacon sandwiches. I walked up to the doorway, neither of them noticed me standing there. They were engrossed in the songwriting. I just watched in amazement as Jess gave so many lyric ideas. She's mesmerising.
That's when I saw it. When Andy tried to kiss her! Of course Jess pushed him away. She's my Jess. She's loyal to me. She would never do that to me. And that moment has just proved it. I couldn't face her after what just happened, it wasn't her fault, I know. But I couldn't face her. I gave the bacon sandwiches to Brook. Of course he ate them. He's like the Cookie Monster, but for everything. I turned back around and went into my room. I need to chill.

I couldn't focus on songwriting after what just happened. I told Andy that I needed a break and that I felt a bit overworked. I had an hour. I went into the bedroom to see Jack. He wasn't there. I went downstairs and there he was, sitting on the sofa. He was hugging his teddy so I knew something was wrong. I went and sat next to him. He got up straight away and went upstairs. What the hell? Is he not in love with me today or something?
I went upstairs to see him, he was lying on his bed facing the wall.
"What's up babe?" I asked him worriedly.
"Nothing, just give me some space for a bit."
"Alright. See you when we're cooking for the vlog..."
I was so confused. What was wrong with him? We always talk about whats bothering us.

"Hey Jess! Where's Jack? It's time to film the Supper Sunday segment for tomorrow's vlog!" Alex said, scanning the kitchen to see if Jack was hiding anywhere. Jack did that a lot.
"You can stop looking around, Al. He's not hiding." I said to him, "I haven't seen him in a couple hours actually. Last time I saw him he was upstairs, sleeping."
"I'll go see if he's awake for you." Said Andy.
Oh no no no no no! This can't be good.
I hurried around the kitchen, getting everything ready for Jack and I so he wasn't stressed and flustered when he came down. A couple minutes later Andy came down the stairs.
"So?" I asked him.
"He said he doesn't feel too good, he asked me to cook with you. He said he'll be down for dinner though. As if he would miss his favourite girls dinner!"
Great. Just fantastic. I didn't say anything to Andy. I ran upstairs and Jack was there, watching TV and scrolling through the Instagram comments on his phone.
"Hey? You're not cooking with me?" I said to him.
"Oh hey, Jess. I just don't feel too good today. I was really looking forward to it. Cook with Andy. It looked like he wanted to cook with you more than I do." Jack had a heartbroken look on his face.
"But I don't want to cook with And. I wanted to cook with you."
"I'm sorry. I'll see you at dinner."
I walked back downstairs, moping.
Andy and I started cooking. We were making fajitas.
"Can you smell burning?" I asked Andy cautiously.
I saw the chicken in the pan burning. It was smoking and starting to go black.
As I grabbed the handle of the pan to move it off of the heat, Andy grabbed it as well.
He stood there holding my hand for about two seconds, before I snatched it away and slapped his hand. He laughed and smirked as if I did it playfully. I looked past it started dishing the food up.
"I'll go call the boys."
Okay Andy. You do that.
Jack never came down. His seat was empty.
I went upstairs to see him and he was lying there crying.
"Jess don't ask what's wrong. I saw Andy trying to kiss you earlier. This band is seriously breaking us apart."
"I pushed him away Jack. You saw that didn't you? If you saw him try to kiss me you saw me pushing him away!"
" I did see you push him away. I love you even more for that."
I didn't go to dinner. I stayed there with Jack and comforted him. I brought his food to him and I didn't eat mine. I cared too much to eat. I'd go hungry.
I'd die for him.

A Twisted RoadTrip Love Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt