"Snape wants the Stone for Voldemort . . . and Voldemort's waiting in the forest . . . and all this time we thought Snape just wanted to get rich." Harry panted
"Stop saying the name!" Ron demanded in a short whisper.
"Firenze saved me, but he shouldn't have done so. . . . Bane was furious . . . he was talking about interfering with what the planets say is going to happen. . . . They must show that Voldemort's coming back. . . . Bane thinks Firenze should have let Voldemort kill me. . . . I suppose that's written in the stars as well." Harry continued
"Will you stop saying the name!" Ron hissed
"So all I've got to wait for now is Snape to steal the Stone, then Voldemort will be able to come and finish me off. . . . Well, I suppose Bane'll be happy"

"Harry, everyone says Dumbledore's the only one You-Know-Who was ever afraid of. With Dumbledore around, You-Know-Who won't touch you. Anyway, who says the centaurs are right? It sounds like fortune-telling to me, and Professor McGonagall says that's a very imprecise branch of magic." Hermione informed the terrified boy to which Aria nodded in agreement, her lips quivering in slight uncertain fear.

The quartet went to bed that evening shakily worried and while Aria dozed off behind the dark wall of her eyelids
Fred held his promise that was made in the library and distracted Aria from upcoming exams, making sure she took breaks to relax. But when he mentioned tickling tentacles of a giant squid, she was quick to decline. So instead the girl traveled down the hallways of the school aimlessly. It wasn't until she heard a familiar voice that she came to a pit stop.

"and what about the girl?" McGonagall asked causing Aria's back to quickly hit the cold stone of the walls so that she could eavesdrop.
"there is no need to provide this burden of information on her, she already has enough coming to her in the future." Snape stated.
"Perhaps we should discuss this with Professor Dumbledore. After all this is far beyond my reach Severus. I mean, there are so many risks, what if she finds out what he did to her? Or what about her connection with sirius? Who's to say Lorelai hasn't discussed this all with her already?"

"Minerva, we were put to watch over this girl. All we can do is wait this out, it's what Dumbledore told us to do when she was placed in Hogwarts. We've been preparing for this and now that she had befriended Potter, things are only bound to accelerate."
"So we wait it out then." McGonagall sighed "I have a bad feeling about this, Severus."
"I know. We all do. After all, Aria Anderson will be our downfall."

Aria swallowed nervously as she heard retreating footsteps in the opposite way, gaining herself the girl took off towards the Gryffindor common room her hands shaking. As her body weight lifted from one foot to another as she dashed through the corridors; she ran up to the fat lady panting.
"What have you been up to?" the fat lady asked curiously
"Never mind that," Aria panted stating the password quickly and climbing inside.

Aria paced in front of the fire place her mind racing as she tried to place the pieces of the puzzle together. What was so important about her that she would have two professor worried? It wasn't until the portrait swung open and Hermione pilled in looking like she had seen a ghost.
"What happened to you?" Aria asked stopping in her place.
"It's the boys -- they had this plan, I was supposed to stand guard but Snape came out and I went numb!" Hermione rambled "Your turn."
"something might be wrong with me." Aria blurted out and so the girls sat on the couch and Aria explained everything to the girl to which Hermione's face paled.

"It sounds as bad as I thought, doesn't it?" Aria asked
"I'm sure it's nothing you have to worry about --" Hermione began uncertainly
"so does 'downfall' mean nothing to you?!" Aria panicked
"Well--" Hermione started but was interrupted when Harry and Ron climbed through the portrait.

"I'm sorry, Harry!" Hermione wailed noticing the boy "Snape came out and asked me what I was doing, so I said I was waiting for Flitwick, and Snape went to get him, and I've only just got away, I don't know where Snape went."
"Well, that's it then, isn't it?" Harry declared
"What's it then?" Aria asked
"I'm going out of here tonight and I'm going to try and get to the Stone first." Harry declared
"You're mad!" Ron exclaimed
"You can't!" Hermione agreed "After what McGonagall and Snape have said? You'll be expelled"
"SO WHAT?" Harry's voice raised "Don't you understand? If Snape gets hold of the Stone, Voldemort's coming back! Haven't you heard what it was like when he was trying to take over? There won't be any Hogwarts to get expelled from! He'll flatten it, or turn it into a school for the Dark Arts!Losing points doesn't matter anymore, can't you see? D'you think he'll leave you and your families alone if Gryffindor wins the House Cup? If I get caught before I can get to the Stone, well, I'll have to go back to the Dursley's and wait for Voldemort to find me there, it's only dying a bit later than I would have, because I'm never going over to the Dark Side! I'm going through that trapdoor tonight and nothing you two say is going to stop me! Voldemort killed my parents, remember?"

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