The Gryffindor stands erupt in cheers and moans from the Slytherin as Aria swept around to Angelina highfiving her in the process only not to see a bludger coming straight at her. However, Fred was quick to whip towards her and hit it out of the way.
"You alright Ace?" Fred shouted but before Aria could response they were called back to the game so the two swept back towards their positions.

"Slytherin in possession," Lee began, "Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys, and Chaser Bell, and speeds toward the — wait a moment — was that the Snitch?"

At that announcement, Harry was quick to dive for it, the Slytherin Seeker on his tail. Everyone seemed to have stopped what they were doing and watched him speed after the snitch.

Flint then blocked Harry on purpose causing his broom spun off course while Harry held on for dear life.

"Foul!" the gryffindor's screamed furiously to which Hooch ordered a free shot at the goalposts for Gryffindor.

"So — after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating —"  Lee began.
"Jordan!" Professor McGonagall growled
"I mean, after that open and revolting foul —"
"Jordan, I'm warning you —"
"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Anderson, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue play, Gryffindor still inpossession."

"Slytherin in possession — Flint with the Quaffle — passes Johnson —passes Bell — hit hard in the face by a Bludger, hope it broke his nose —only joking, Professor — Slytherins score — oh no . . ." Lee continued to ramble while Aria attempted to focus on the game.

It wasn't until murmuring broke out in the stands when Aria finally turned around to see Harry's broom out of control. Within seconds Aria flashed over to the boy.

"What's going on?" Aria asked worriedly as Harry gripped on for dear life.
"I-I don't know!" Harry shouted back which resulted Aria to attempt to fly up and try to pull Harry onto her own broom but the broom jumped higher causing her to curse under her breath. After a few struggling attempts, the twins were soon by her side trying to help Harry get off his broom. But none of them could get near it without it moving. So they dropped lower and circled beneath him, hoping to catch him if he fell.

Soon enough Harry was able to get back on his broom and he was speeding towards the ground, his hand clapped onto his mouth as if he was going to be sick causing Aria to exchange a worried look with the twins. He hit the field and suddenly began to cough, before something fell into his hand.

"I've got the Snitch!" He shouted waving it above his head causing Aria's eyes to widen in surprise.
"He didn't catch it, he nearly swallowed it." Flint corrected irritated as Aria flew down to the slytherin seeker.
"Technically, he did catch it," she piped up causing him to look over at her "with his mouth."

Flint glared at her and swept off quickly in the other direction in a huff causing her to smirk proudly and rush to the ground, landing gently.

A pair of arms wrapped around Aria's neck behind her causing her to turn around shocked only to see Hermione grinning like a dork at her.
"I knew you could do it!"

"Weren't you the one who kept reminding me of the death rates of the game and telling me to tell Oliver I couldn't play because I had a severe disease?"
"well that was when I was worried that you might get hit in the face with a bludger. But after Fred was quick to knock it away from you I released all of your assumptions that you deemed against the twins seemed to be false!"
"Hermione Granger!" Aria scoffed placing a dramatic hand to her chest. "Are you declaring me paranoid? Or worse, a liar?"
Hermione rolled her eyes, "the point is -- all those late--"
"--extremely late,--"
"-- studying sessions, paid off! That and the fact that I set professor snape on fire after he tried to jinx Harry's broom with dark magic."

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