A Simple Savior (1-part)

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Alligiances involved


Antstar - Dark Ginger tabby tom with a scar along his muzzle and blue eyes


Stoneridge - Grey tom with jet black paws and green eyes

Medicine Cat:

Hopeflower - Pale grey and white patched she-cat with dark blue eyes

Molepelt - Small black tom with amber eyes

Warriors (Toms and she-cats without kits):

Ashclaw - A smokey black tom with amber eyes

Snakepaw - Brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Amberheart- A fluffy golden tabby she-cat with green eyes

Dawnstripe - Creamy brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Redmoon - Ginger red she-cat with hazel eyes

Gorsepaw - Grey she-cat with a single white paw and yellow eyes

Outside The Clans

Coal - A dark grey tabby with darker stripes and green eyes


I looked up at the sky, noticing for the first time the stars were twinkling super bright that night. My paws ached from the journey and my fur was dirty and torn. I didn't know much longer I could go on, considering that my body was falling apart. I looked straight ahead and saw a tom, his back facing to me. He had long scars on his legs and back, with a new wound under his ear.

I called out to him, "Hello?", softly. He turned, his eyes a blazing amber. Several cats were fleeing from him with their tails between their legs. I stepped back, placing my tail on my flank protectively. If he was bad news, I would most likely have to fight for the safety of my kits.

"Get out of here, Windclan crow-food!" He snarled, his fur fluffing defensively. I had never seen a cat look so ready to fight, but what was he talking about?

"Windclan..?" I had begun, but I couldn't finish. I felt so weak and feeble, like my legs were made of grass and the weight of my belly was making them give in. Collapsing, I hit the ground, aware of the cats gathering around.

"Stop! She's expecting kits, and she's half starved. Can't you see that?" A she-cat's voice rang in my ears. I tried to move to my defense, but I was so tired that my head would barely lift for more than a few heartbeats.

"Who cares? She's either a kittypet or rogue, and she is trespassing. We should chase her off, now." Another tom growled, but it was a much deeper growl than the tom with amber eyes. There were so many cats with the same strange scent I felt dizzy.

"She's also a queen, Stoneridge. How would Hopeflower or Antstar react if they found out you chased off a starving soon-to-be mother?" The same she-cat hissed, and I caught a glimpse of golden fur before I closed my eyes again. I just needed to sleep...

I felt myself being moved as I drifted off, and for some reason, I felt oddly safe, like I was being watched over safely. Finally, as the sounds and smells drifted away I fell into a deep sleep.

. . .

"She's very sick, and lucky to be alive. Her kits are due any day, and she's barely able to stand. What ever she has, its taking a toll on her lungs." I heard a voice. Soft and delicate, definitely a she-cat's. "Fetch one of the apprentices and have them bring her some wet moss. I think she's waking up."

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