"two days?!!? what the heck did they do to me?" i asked. "more importantly, what's taking Alexander so long to find me!! he should've already figured out Cole's behind this!!" i thought to myself.

"it seems like Xander over did it again, like usual." she frowned, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Xander?" i asked curiously.

"yeah, the guy who took you. he's Cole's beta and the only one who was capable of taking you from the Moonlight pack." she said. wait a sec, what is she talking about?!!? what the heck is a beta and why is she referring to Shadow Fall as Moonlight pack?!!?

"what are you talking about. whats is a beta, and what the heck is Moonlight pack?" i asked, curious to know.

"i see.....so Alex didn't tell you? you must forgive him, i'm afraid he's always been like that. i'm guessing he didn't know how to tell you considering...." she dragged. i'm confused, how does she know Alexander?

"how do you know Alexander?" i asked.

"that's not important right now. why don't you eat your meal, i brought it especially for you. i promise, i didn't poison it or anything." she laughed lightly while placing the tray on a small table near the window. she's so nice, but i don't even know her name.

"and you are?....." i dragged waiting for her to finish the sentence.

she smiled beautifully before saying "my name is Kara. and about your sister, they should be done by now. you're not allowed to see her but if you want, i can pass her any message you want since i'm authorized to both of you. i know i'm not suppose to let you communicate with your sister, but...i'll try to make your stay here as pleasant as possible." she smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes like the others. her smile this time was distant.

i soon began to eat my meal, trusting that she was telling the truth when she said she didn't poison it. she was just sitting there watching me eat. i didn't mind but i did feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"you know, it's not polite to stare." i stated, causing her to giggle.

"i supose it's not, but i can't help it. I envy you....I know it's wierd but it's the truth. you've already found your mate without even trying or knowing it. you're absolutly stunning, your sister's still alive, and you have freedom." she smiled sadly.

"thank you but what are you talking about? i haven't found anyone.....all i care about is getting my sister back." i stated.

"see....that's exactly why i envy you. you have a strong will. once your mind's made up, there's nothing that can change it. if only i had as much confidence as you do. anyways, i wish i could help you but i really can't. all i can offer you is the chance to speak to your sister through me." she said before getting up and gathering my empty tray about to walk out the door before i stopped her.

"wait....Kara. why are you here?....with them, with Cole?" i asked.

"i know you might not understand this now but.....Cole's the only one that protects us rogues. and as for why he wants you and your sister, he didn't tell us. we don't ask questions, we only do as we're told, that is....if we want protection." she said before walking out the door.

sighing, not being able to understand a single thing she just uttered, i got up....the only thing on my mind now is finding Soni and i won't give up.


{Alexander's P.O.V}

"what's taking so long!!" i screamed at no one in particular. it's been two days since my mate and Sonia disappeared, and during that time, i've informed the pack about the situation. they've been supportive, but still.....i've never felt so helpless in my entire life.

i was scared and my wolf was on edge, constantly pacing in my mind. he wanted control, he wanted to come out to enforce his wrath on Cole but i refused him.

even if i let him out, there's no guarantee he won't hurt any of our pack members. he'll probably go crazy, only the will to find his mate driving him.

he would kill anyone in his path and i can't let that happen. i want nothing more than to find my beautiful mate but i won't let myself kill unnecessarily.

"hang in there Alex.....we'll find her and her sister. the whole pack is willing to risk everything to find their Luna, so rest easy." a voice said, interrupting my thoughts.

"thanks Nate, but i'm still worried...." i stated.

"i know but take it easy. your mate will need you when we get her back so try not to ware yourself out. our best trackers are out there doing there best to track your mate."

"but we still don't know why they haven't located them. they should've already found her!!" i stated getting angry.

"from what you've told me about the situation, it seems like Cole's been planning this for a long time. he must have also found a way to conceal his location. you should've already realized that finding her isn't going to be easy when Cole's involved. he's a cleaver guy, don't underestimate him."

"yeah i know but even so.....the fact i let Cole take them on my own territory is shameful. i'm one of the strongest Alphas and yet, i failed to protect my own mate. what's the point of being strong if i can't protect the most precious person in the world to me." i stated, feeling completely empty.

i had so much emotions bottled up inside, so when i felt tears run down my cheeks, i knew i couldn't hold it in anymore.

"get it together man, this isn't what your mate needs. you need to stay strong for her."

"you're right." i said, getting myself in order as a knock came from my office door. "come in." i answer.

"Alpha, we have a problem......" my third in command Eli informed as my heart beat increased.


hey guys!!!! i was too happy when i finally finished this chapter. If you guys really like my story, could you pretty please share it with people you think will enjoy it too? i really want more readers and i can't do it by myself.....I'll also still be dedicating chapters as my story contiues. thanks guys :)






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