~ Chapter 1 ~ The childhood of Yandere

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(Before I start I want to clarify that the story is not mine, this first part / Fandub in Spanish: Yandere's childhood // Original: Yandere-Chan's Chilhood / is a video of Yanderedev, the creator of the video game on which he based this FanFic , which can be found on YouTube / Here is the lik if you want to see the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydIf-EAmn0c And this is the link to see it in Spanish: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVkWW8rPhdg&t=152s Well, I let you enjoy the precious story! Look for something to eat and get comfortable, because this will be a very compelling story ...) 

 Pov Yandere ~ 

 My earliest memories...

 I remember... Hospitals... Doctors... Examinations... I was... BROKEN.

 The doctors tried to fix me... My parents tried to explain to me what was wrong with me... They tried to explain what made me different from other people... I did not understand...

 I was listening to the doctors to allow that they could not repair me... They said that I would never be a normal person, or that I would live a normal life...

 Growing up, I was understanding what was wrong with me.

 I saw the other children being happy, sad, angry, but... I never felt those things... I just felt... EMPTY... A hollow... Incomplete...

 My father desperately wanted to help me, but my mother... She was not like my father... She did not care about me at all... She said that she was exactly like me, when she was a girl ... He told me that one day I would meet someone special, he told me that he would meet someone who would make me feel... Complete...

 My father did not want me to listen to my mother's words... He just wanted a normal girl, more than anything in the world... He tried everything to make me happy... But... Nothing worked...I never I felt happy... But I felt... Sorry... I felt sorry for that sad man... I did not want my father to worry more about me... So... I started acting like the other children... I pretended to be normal... My father was happy... I finally had a normal family... But... I thought that... Inside his heart, he knew that I was just pretending...

 At school... The children mistreated me... They bothered me because they thought it was strange... That was... An inconvenience...  

I realized that if I wanted to be treated normally I should act like the other children...So I started pretending to be normal, and the bullying stopped... I learned that everything was easier if I forced myself to act like a normal person... Eventually I pretended to be normal every hour, every day... I pretended to be friends with people, pretended to have hobbies, pretended to care when a tragedy happened... But everything was false... I did not feel anything... The only thing I felt was empty...When I grew up I began to resent my condition... I wanted to have the same experiences as other people... I wanted to feel joy, I wanted to feel pain... I tried to do anything that made me feel something... Guilt... Revenge... I'm sorry... I wanted to feel something... ANYTHING... But... Nothing worked... No matter what I did... No matter how I did it... I could not feel anything...The advice of my mother was always the same... One day... You will meet someone special... One day, someone will make you feel complete... I thought about those words... ALL THE TIME... It was the the only thing for me that kept me going... The only reason for me to live and meet the person who would save me... I would repair... I would complete...Then, one day... I found... I SHOULD NOT LOSE IT... I SHOULD PROTECT IT... I MUST DO IT MINE... I SHOULD NOT LET NO ONE COME... I... I NEED IT... HE IS EVERYTHING.... HE DESERVES ANY SACRIFICE... NOTHING ELSE MATTER... NOBODY ELSE MATTER... HE IS ONLY MINE...HE HAS NO CHOICE.

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