Chapter 8- Forgotable

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Naruto: Hey there, Im back I just finish fighting with Kaguya, Now i can make a Joke..READY...AND...A...MARK...3...2..1...DATTEBAYO START

-Naruto always lost his key at his home bec. whenever he fights his key always fall.


Sakura: I dont think so bec. his pocket is really DEEP. O_O

Sasuke: It never falls bec. his key is BEHAVING while naruto is fighting.

Kakashi: Maybe He has a locker inside his pocket.

Naruto: Maybe forgot to wear underwear than loosing keys!!! -_-

-Sasuke didnt realize his pants is loose for him thats why he wear A BIG ROPE ON IT.


Naruto: Maybe his diet thats why he use BIG ROPE ON IT.

Sakura: No Answer (I Never Talk Clothes of Mens Just Things) -_-

Kakashi: Maybe he wear A BIG ROPE ON IT, Bec. Someone told him that HIS GONNA PULL SOMEDAY HIS PANTS. ;)

Sasuke: Better dont talk about my pants with a big rope on it. -_-

-Sakura always loosing chakra every fight, moments, esspecially her time.


Sasuke: What kind of Reason is that thing wasting chakra is easy than recharging again

Naruto: Nah, not true but wasting thinking in every fight

Kakashi: Maybe, Annoying makes her chakra loose in only first word.


-Kakashi forget brushing his hair everytime.


Naruto: He never forget brushing hair, but he was always shock when he use CHIDORI

Sasuke: He need haircut not brushing hair

Sakura: His hair never grows all day since 2 years its still sames

Kakashi: None of your buisness talking my hair!!!

Sasuke,Sakura,Naruto,Kakashi: NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

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