"Do you think he changed or you did?" Allison raised an eyebrow, watching me curiously. That was a good question. I don't think I knew the answer. 

"Probably both," I replied unsurely. When I'd met Grey, he was cocky and arrogant and I knew he wanted something from me, so I didn't trust him. Plus, he treated Makenna terrible, so I'd disliked him for that. He was still cocky and arrogant, but he doesn't want anything from me now, and I know I can trust him. Plus, now, he's cocky in the endearing way that makes you want to flick his arm or something (rather than lunge at his throat). 

But I also know that meeting Grey and falling for Grey changed me as well. When I'd met him, I was ridiculously unemotional and stubborn as hell. I still am stubborn, but I think Grey's helped me come to terms with my emotions. I think he's made me more inclined to show what I'm feeling rather than keeping it buried ten feet under like I had been doing. 

I'd never really thought of that. 

"So, when did you find out he was an Archangel?" Allison raised an eyebrow, resting her chin on her hand. 

"I guess I kinda had suspicions that something was up with him prior to actually finding out, but I didn't really know he was an Angel until I fell off that cliff," I pointed to the peninsula outside the living room windows. Allison glanced over her shoulder at it and then back at me. 

"You've fallen off of that thing twice?" She asked, eyes wide. I nodded. "Well now I know why you were so damn hesitant. What happened when you fell off the first time?" 

"Grey caught me," I replied. Allison's lips widened into a smirk and she wiggled her brows. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I know, I know, but apparently that's when I was supposed to die and Pledge my soul. Grey broke like ten rules doing that." 

"Are you glad he did?" She questioned. 

"I think so. At the time, I was pretty pissed because he had made me into an Awakened and put me in constant danger from Demons, but now I think I'm glad he did. Without him doing that, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him or discovered Lucifer's ruse. Plus, I think becoming an Awakened made my soul that much stronger. I don't know if I'd still be an Angel if I hadn't been an Awakened," I explained, thinking out loud. "Plus, him saving me made Lucifer furious. I think that's when he decided that he couldn't trust Grey anymore with winning over my soul." 

"Did he tell you why he saved you?" Allison frowned slightly. 

"No. I just remember him telling Lucifer that he couldn't just let me die," I replied with a shrug. I guess I'd have to ask him whenever he got back. 

"So what happened after you became an Awakened?" She leaned back in her seat, finishing off her coffee. 

"Grey helped me train so I could fight off the Demons that came after me. I guess that's kind of how I started getting feelings for him. He kept proving over and over again that he actually gave a damn about my wellbeing and I guess it just happened. I really didn't want it to though," I chuckled, "-you'll have to ask him, he'll tell you he dragged me into this relationship kicking and screaming."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me you never really wanted to fall in love," Allison eyed me, "-now look at you."

"Says you, you and Jack have been hopelessly in love since forever," I retorted playfully. Allison's expression changed and she frowned slightly. Did they break up again?

"I haven't seen Jack since before I died, Jo. I don't think I can ever see him again. I don't want him involved in all of this," she explained softly. 

"He loves you, Al. If he knew you were still alive, he wouldn't care what you are as long as you're there," I frowned. 

"I have forever to find love again. He doesn't. I don't want him to waste his mortal life pining after someone that won't be his after he's gone. That's not fair to him. He deserves someone that will love him through this life and the Afterlife, and I can't promise him that. Not when I'm- this," she motioned to herself. 

I paused. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked softly. She pressed her lips into a tight smile and nodded. I could tell she was swallowing her emotions, but I didn't want to pry anymore than I already had. 

"Eventually. Who knows, maybe Grey has a cousin," she joked and I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, you were curious about Grey while you were unconscious?"

I eyed her, a little wary about changing the subject when I could still see the tears welling in her eyes, but nodded. She sniffled and smiled, leaning forward as if about to share gossip. "He was insufferable," she chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes and finished off my coffee. "Tell me," I sighed. 

"Literally refused to leave the room, wouldn't eat or drink, and hardly spoke at all if it wasn't to yell at me for getting too close to you," she explained with a snicker. 

"You're kidding," I scowled, pouring myself another cup of coffee. "What did he say?"

"Well, he kinda just growled and said 'close enough' the first few times, but eventually got to the point where he'd just yell 'OUT' at me. It wasn't until you started breathing again that he started being somewhat tolerable," she mumbled. 

"Wait, I stopped breathing?" My eyes widened. 

"Yeah. Your soul had to transition before your body, so you were medically dead for a few days. He was real pissy then," she snorted. "But I think he was mad at himself and just projected it on me. When he first brought you home with Michael, he kept telling you he was sorry for something. I don't think he thought you were going to make it through the transition at that point, and I think he was blaming himself."

"That's absurd. It was my decision to burn in the Hellfire. He can't blame himself for that," I furrowed my brows and took a sip of my coffee. 

"I think he's blaming himself for not protecting you better, for putting you in that situation at all. I think that's why he was obsessed with constantly watching over you while you were transitioning," Allison shrugged. "But then again, in my opinion, he's an asshole, so think what you want." I snorted and rolled my eyes. 

"Touche, Barbie, touche," I heard his voice and looked towards the door. There he stood, soaking wet from the freezing rain, in the doorway. His midnight hair was plastered to his forehead, his skin glistening with raindrops, and his clothing soaked to the bone. I could almost feel how cold he was from here. But the way his eyes were glued to mine, shimmering with mischief, made the room feel about ten degrees warmer. 

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