Aria waved her arms around drastically in agreement before leaning back in her seat exhaling.
"No, not the floor. It was standing on a trapdoor. It's obviously guarding something." Hermione informed causing Aria to raise an eyebrow in interest as she stood up glaring at them.
"I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed —or worse, expelled. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed." she declared and walked off in a huff as Ron stared after her and shook his head.
"No, we don't mind," he said. "You'd think we dragged her along, wouldn't you?"
"Well she dragged me along and I almost got mauled by a three headed dog. I haven't even been in this school for a complete week yet and I've gotten detention, joined a Quidditch team after almost getting expelled, and met a dog that I never knew could exist!" she gushed pushing herself up "I love this school!"

Ron looked at her like she was insane as she grinned and turned on her heels and walked up the stairs to the girls rooms. Yet, one thing lingered in the back of her mind, the trap door that Hermione was talking about. What was that dog guarding and what did it have to do with Hogwarts?
Harry and Ron sat together the next day in the great hall, Hermione refused to speak to them which they didn't seem to mind as Fred and George explained the different exits out of the school to Aria enthusiastically as well as common Quidditch knowledge. However, Aria couldn't help but let her mind drift to last night with the dog and the trap door. Her chin rested on the palm of her hand she squinted at Draco from across the hall.
"You okay there Ace?" Fred questioned tapping on the table in front of the girl causing her to look back at the twins straightening herself.
"I'm sorry — what were you saying again? something about how Quidditch got its name from Queerditch Marsh, the location of the first ever recorded game around the year 1050?"

the twins looked at each other as George shook his head, "No. Not even close — how did you even know that?"
Aria felt her cheeks turn red as she looked away towards Draco's direction, "i read it somewhere."
"Ace," Fred sighed taking a sip of his drink "you're staring."

"What? No — no i'm not," she rambled causing the twins to look at each other intrigued.
"Hey you want some pumpkin pasties?" George offered pushing his plate over to the girl.
"oh no i couldn't —." Aria denied
"Go for it, i'm not even that hungry." he urged

"Okay." she hesitated before taking a bit of the pasty, she swallowed as the twins looked at each other.
"So why are you so interested in Malfoy all of a sudden?" Fred asked
"Well besides the fact that he's a self loathing prick  i don't have any interest in him— Hey, have you ever heard of a three headed dog?" she ranted
"what?" George asked slightly flabbergasted they knew hogwarts inside out but never heard of a three headed dog.
"Mmmh," she hummed swallowing her bite "Shoot, i forgot to send my letter to my mom. if i don't she'll be stuck with the Malfoy's dwelling life."

"Your mother lives with the Malfoy's?" George asked surprised
"didn't i ever tell you that?" she rambled standing up "thanks for the pasties George i should get going before —."
A loud screech of a bunch of owls came flying, hers right above her own head causing her to drop to the bench as Faith swooped down dropping a long package onto the table, another was quick to drop off a letter, she opened the letter first and was lucky.

It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session.

The girl noticed Mcgonagall's signature scribbled across the paper, she looked down to where Harry and Ron where moments before, only to see they had disappeared causing her to sigh.
"what is it?" George asked
"It's from my mom — i should really go thank her —."

Trampling out of the seat she rushed out of the great hall after biding goodbye and her hand grasped on the parcel as she maneuvered to the owlery.

The girl sat began to jot down her letter about her experiences and apologizing for her short handed effort of communication.

Aria sighed as she gave the letter to Faith and let her fly off; she heard shuffling which caused her to turn around and see a tall young man with dark hair and bright grey eyes hugged in hufflepuff robes.
"Oh!" he exclaimed noticing the young girl in his presence "i'm sorry i didn't know anyone was up here."
"It's fine i mean it's for students and you're a student which makes sense on why you are up here — and i'm rambling, which takes some getting used to if you wanna know me. Because i'm the type of person you have to get to know to love — and i should probably get going because small talk isn't really my specialty."

As embarrassment bubbled up inside her the girl looked down at her feet, her cheeks tinted pink, and went to shuffle towards the entrance yet a soft chuckle escaped the boys lips as he shook his head and walked over to an owl giving it a letter to send off.
"So I have to know you to love you huh?"
"Oh my merlin — I'm so sorry i didn't mean to come off that way..."
"It's perfectly okay."

Aria nodded and went to turn around to leave when he stopped her. "First year right?"
"Yeah." Aria smiled
"I heard you almost got expelled."
Aria's eyes widened, "How did you—."
"the paintings talk and so do the twins."
Aria rolled her eyes, "Never trust the twins with a secret, got it."

"What position do you play?" he hummed
"What?" Aria was quick to retort
"That's a broomstick your carrying isn't it?"
"No- I -."
"— and i just blew the secret."
"chaser." Aria replied "but you can't tell anyone—."
"I won't i promise." he smiled heading towards the door himself brushing by the girl lightly "i'll see you on the field Anderson."

Aria opened her mouth to ask how he knew her name but closed it, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she prayed inside that the boy was an honest one who would keep his word about not blabbering about her spilled secret. Or in the wise words of Ron Weasley, she would never rest until she learned the Curse of the Bogies and have used it on him.

[edited: yes! (10/02/20)]

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