Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

I got back to Alice's house and was still shook from the alley. Out of all the people on this planet that could have been there, it was him. It could have been my mom, bully, my IDOL who not to mention it DEAD, or my Prince-Nigerian uncle who is about to wire me his lifetime savings!
  I dumped out the bag and looked down at the crap I had purchased. There was Oreos, Sour Patch Kids, Pringle's, you name it. I plugged the charger into the wall and reached into my pocket only to realize, my iPhone isn't there.
Is it just me or does this happen to you too? I ALWAYS wear jeans, unless I'm doing sports or it's summer. My phone is always in my back pocket. So I had gym that day and I was walking down the stairs to lunch with my friends. I had leggings and forgot about the whole 'no pocket' thing and reached for my iPhone. To the people walking behind me, I was getting my non-existing phone...

   "Oh shit..." I said.
Alice walked into the room, "Whacha swearing at now?"
   'What do I do!? If I tell her about my iPhone, she'll ask how I lost it... Then I'll have to tell her about my Cyclone experience'
"Umm... I uhhhh... You see..." I started.
"You lost your phone, didn't you."
"Why would you think that...heh heh."
"How did you loose it, Snap"
"You're not going to believe me, Alice."
"It's fine, as long as you didn't do the pinch challenge! If you did... I'm not sorry"
"I'm not that idiotic..."


"That... is... AMAZING!!! At least for a lie!"
"I'm serious! Yeah, it's sort of a ' Dancil in distress cliché', BUT it's not a lie!"
"Really?! I be-"
She was interrupted by her own phone ringing.
"Is Snap there?"

Emma's POV

So George was being lazy once again, surprise surprise! Instead of going to the store himself , he made Cyclone go even though he eats the entire fridge himself. It's getting dark and late so he could have at least let him ride one of the cars. But no.
   "Go walk there Cyclone! You barley have been here and you've done one too many pranks! This is revenge!" He yelled.
   Poor Cyclone.


He came back in about 20 minutes with nothing that he hadn't left with than wide eyes and an IPhone in his hand.
"CYCLONE!!! I GAVE YOU ONE JOB! I gave you money to get food and you buy a IPHONE!!! YOU SELFISH SON OF A-" George lunged at him but Lucy got in the way, jumping on George.
"LUCY! GET OUT OF THE WAY! BAD GIRL!!!" But instead of Lucy moving, she barked, defending Cyclone.
"George! I didn't buy the IPhone inside of food! This isn't even mine-"
"No George! I was going to the store and found a girl being followed by a sketchy man! I punched the guy, and the girl ran away, dropping her iPhone!"
Lucy looked at George with the 'told you' eyes.
"And you want me to believe THAT!?" George yelled.
"Wait. Let me see that phone," I grabbed it, "No way!"
"What?" They said at the same time.
I recognized the case and took it off. A paper fell out with writing on it.

If lost call 876-289-0361

I called the number and a girl answered, "Hello?"
"Is Snap there?" I asked.
"Ummm... Yeah, I'll get her..."
"Hello..." Snap answered, confused.
"Snap! It's Emma! We've got your phone!"
"Thanks Emma-" The first was muffled in the background.

Snap's POV

"WAIT-" I covered Alice's mouth so she wouldn't make a scene.
"I'll explain later." I whispered.
"Do you want to meet at Starbucks tomorrow to get it?" Emma asked.
"Yeah, I'll see you then."
"Bye Snap.

Emma's POV

I turned towards the boys and they're jaws dropped.
"Hey, Andrew had to fly first class! I just made a friend on the ride!" I laughed.

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