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Snap's POV

There is only two weeks left in school until summer break. Sounds really fun, which it is. But there is a catch. There ALWAYS IS! Exams. I'm being flooded with work and at this rate, I'm not going to see Alice in Florida! I already stay up until 3am watching YouTube, what time do I have left to study? I can't just abandon the Moose💯 team! And don't even think about skipping a video of Cyclone! I hate life right now.
"Alright class! It's 8am and time to start finals!" my teacher started.
Everyone groaned, including me. It was too early to do anything, let alone work. I can't trust myself doing ANYTHING while being tired. This morning I practically forgot how to get dressed and almost stuck a knife in the toaster. I would give anything to get out of this class right now. I wish Alice was here.
     Just then, my phone buzzed.
"Speak of the Devi" I thought. I walked to the teacher's desk to ask if I could use the bathroom. This received the teacher classic,
"I don't know, can you?"
I sighed and walked to the bathroom to text her back.
A-Is your lazy
  Butt awake yet?
                                                        S-Yes actually
                                                   I was just in class
A- And what are
You doing now?
You better be looking for
a boyfriend Snap
                                                     S-You're one to    
                                               talk considering  
                                     you're a single potato too
A-By the start of
senior year you're
going to have one
      I swear I have the weirdest friend but I'm kind of hoping that she's right. That's only one summer though! Is that enough time? Oh who am I kidding! She's insane and it's never going to work! I don't want I thought.

    Shoutout to HeyItsMeFire for designing the cover so go follow her

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