Chapter 9~

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#Min-Suh's P/V:

Eun-Jo organised everyone's job.

Waitress'/Waiters: Suga, Thunder, Dok-Mi, and Eun-Sang

Cashier: Joo-Hyun

Patisserie's: Eponine, Se-Kyung, and Jackie

Barista: Eun-Jo

"So what do you think of your jobs?" She says holding up a piece of paper with our jobs on it.

Suga puts his hand up.


"Why am I on the list?" Eun-Jo smiles.

"Because your working here. That is why you came isn't it?" He thinks.

"No, that girl asked if I liked cakes, I said 'yes'. Then she grabbed my hand and started running." He says blankly, while pointing at


"Why would you follow her?. Do you even know her?" Joo-Hyun asks frustrated.

"She's in my class, so I thought it would be fine." She face palms.

"That's it. I'm going, see you later." Joo-Hyun says as she gets up and leaves.

We look at Dok-Mi for an answer.

"She's auditioning for F(x) tomorrow." She exclaims while sitting really close to Suga.

"Why are you sitting so close? Is there a bug or something?." He asks worried.

Oh that's right, we get to audition to be in a group tomorrow. If the group permits the audition.

"Aren't we allowed to make our own?" I ask Jackie.

"Sure, but that's up to us. Oh dude, should we do that? That would be cool." She says standing up.

"Sweet" Dok-Mi squeals.

"Should we plan our group tomorrow?" I ask.

"And we can meet here." Eun-Jo suggests.

"Sounds good."

"Uh excuse me. Can I go now?" Suga asks standing up.

"Are you gonna work here?" Eun-Jo asks him, up front.

"Sure." He smiles.

"Ok, you may go. Work starts tomorrow at 6:30pm. And take him with you." Eun-Jo gestures to the (STILL) unconscious Thunder.

"Yes boss."


"Hey, thanks for staying with me." Eun-Jo smiles, carrying her books in her hands as we walk.

"No problem. You have a lot to organise." She stops and stares at me.

"You should be the leader." I look at her surprised.

"Really! Why?"

" have such......uh leadership qualities.......and your also the oldest." She says, beginning to walk again.

"Wow. Ok if you really think so." I smile and skip along.

" (whispers: Actually it would mean less work for me (; )"


She jumps and accidentally throws her books up.

"OUCH!!! DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT. WANT TO DIE??" She asks getting a red pen out of her pocket.

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