Chapter 19~

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#Minnie's P/V:

"What?! Come again?"

The guy smiles "Of course we can't just let you go, silly. We're the official school gangsters, if people found out that we've gone soft then

we'll have to go prove that we're not soft. If you know what I mean!" He smirks smacking his fist in his hand repeatedly.

"Official school gangsters? What's that?" Danelle asks confused.

The guy whose sand which got taken of him but that Hyun-Tae guy, looks at his empty plate sadly then let's out a sigh.

"The thing is every school has an official school gang to keep the peace between schools."

"YEAH! We beat up a few trouble makers from time to time." A guy says excitedly while snapping a bat in half.

Is that all these guys do all day, break stuff?

"Our gang 'The BeatRow' is the strongest out of all the schools." Sandwich guy finishes off.

"Whose Gong-Yeon's official school gang then?" Jackie asks immersed in the conversation.

"Yeah, and how do you become an official school gang?" Cloudie cheerfully.

Everyone is gathered around sandwich as if we are little kids listening to the teacher at story time.

"Hey, didn't you need to pee Melody?" Danelle asks suddenly.

Her eyes widen. "THATS RIGHT!" She drops Kimi onto the floor then runs off to who knows where chanting "I NEED TO PEE. I NEED

TO PEE. I NEED TO PEE." As she runs.

I hope she doesn't get lost.

We advert our attention back to sandwich guy.

"So first of all. Big Bang has been the official Gong-Yeon Academy gangsters for quite a while, we all ways go head to head with them.

They're the second most feared gang after us. But rumours has spread that a new rookie group will be fighting for the title of Gong-

Yeon Academy gangsters." He exclaims mysteriously.

Cloudie gasps, covering her mouth.

"Who is it."

Sandwich pauses, making it sound dramatic before whispering.


Everyone awes in amazement.

"Who will win this battle?" Cloudie says dramatically, standing up with her hand on her chest and pretending to wipe away a tear.

"Wow, so dramatic! It's like I'm watching a drama! DAEBAK!" Danelle coos.

My group is probably the most abnormal group there is O-O

"Now if you want to be a gangster you have to win in hand to hand combat match. The teachers usually organise it secretly, so other

students don't get the wrong idea. And it's usually judged by the principle."

"The principal approves violence?" I blurt out.

Sandwich guy thinks for a bit.

" that I think about a way I guess." He answers a bit confused.


Just then the door bursts open again. But this time an angry looking Joohyun and a worried looking Min-Ho Rush through the door.

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