Chapter 2~ Flower boy café shop ;)

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#Minnie's P/V:

I look around, wow I've never been to Seoul airport before, well I have but that was when I was younger so I can't really remember what

it's like.

We get our luggage and start searching for the exit.

"I think we're lost." I stare at Ailee. I would read the signs but I'm short sided and accidentally packed my glasses into my suitcase (which is locked), ugh

so annoying.

"No kidding. How'd you know." She stops me from walking.

"You know how I get. I'm just bored and hungry we've been walking around for....." She checks her watch.

"Uh, 3? YES 3 HOURS. Can't we just ask someone around here?" She looks around.

"Huh?" She spots a crowded area.

"I wonder why everyone's crowding around there?" I start walking towards them, when a group of girls comes rushing past me. Ailee

pulls me back.

"Maybe we shouldn't go there. It seems to crowd- Oh! Look a security guard. Let's go ask him."

As she pulls me along I get a quick glimpse of someone inside the crowded circle. It's a guy who looks around my age with chocolate

brown hair styled nicely, with shades over his eyes. I can kind of make out what the girls are yelling "-YUK OPPA, -YUK OPPA-" the

rest is blocked out with screams.


We've been staying at a hotel, it's called 'JW Marriott Hotel'. It's really fancy looking, as soon as I saw the building I got excited.

Today we're going to a 'pick your own' shop, where you pick whatever you want (like mixing different things), on each floor they have

different items to pick from. Ailee and I stop to look at the board (it shows what's on each floor).

"Ommo Min we should go to floor 7!!" She jumps excitedly. I look at what it says..........Before she says anything I dart upstairs.

"It's so......CUTE" it's a little cake cafe floor. It looks like a scene from Paris, you know with the antique looking furniture, vintage

looking walls and plants, it's really cool. Ailee and I start picking what types of cakes we want.

"Psss, hey Min" I put my tray to the side for a moment. Then turn towards her.

"Don't you think that guy in front of you is cute?" I turn and try to look at the guy in front of me. He is.....kinda cute I guess. He slightly

turns his head, and I get a better look at him. He's quite tall, got blonde hair and his features are cute. He starts walking to the cashier,

wow we must be so alike, he has the exact same cakes I have. I pick up my tray and go to pick one more.

"Min I thought you don't like those fruity ones" Ailee says as I pick the tray up.

"What?." I look down.

That guy must have taken mine.

"Yah. Hey you." I point to the guy walking away from the cashier. He stops and turns to me.

"Can I help you?." He's says with one hand in his pocket while the other is holding the tray.

What is he a model?

"You took my tray" he smirks.

"No I didn't. Your trays in your hands" he says casually and starts walking away.

"I picked those up. And I don't even like these types of cake" I Say pointing from his tray to mine. He turns back around.

"Neither do I. If you don't like them why did you pick them up? You do know once you've picked them you can't put them back." I huff

in frustration.

He smiles.

"Oh, I see what's going on" what? What is he on about?

"You like me. Is it because I'm flower boy?." He then does a pose.

I mentally face palm myself. How did he get that idea? That escalated

quickly. Ailee walks up to me and this weirdo.

"Ommo, your so cute." She's says cupping her cheeks. He stops his pose.

"Hey I'm not cute, I'm charismatic" T.T I just want my cake!! He looks back at me and smiles.

"Since you have a little crush on me I'll pay yours and you can have mine and then we can swap back"

"Really!? Thank yo-"

"But you owe me" he hands me a piece of paper with his number.

"Why didn't you write your name on here?."

"Because that way you'll call me for sure." He then winks.

Aish this guy, he's a pain in the butt. I go to pay for the cakes.

He choose the most expensive ones!!!

He's lucky I'm not rich or else he would of had to pay a lot for them.

Wait on second thought, I should have chosen the most expensive ones.

These cakes cost a fortune, what's in these? Gold? Diamonds?

Why are they so expensive? I had picked some of the cheaper ones.

He waits with Ailee at a table.

I walk to them and sit next to Ailee.

"I don't have a crush on you by the way." I say while swapping our cutely wrapped up box of cakes.

He smirks.

"What ever you say" Lots of High school girls walk into the shop, it looks like the from the rich private all girls school.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in school?" I turn back to the guy, but he's gone. I look around and see some girls that just walked in,

walk back out. What the? "OPPA. OPPA" the girls scream as they run out. My day keeps getting weirder. Ailee and I decide to go for a


After a hour of walking around we spot a street performance. One guy with brown hair is playing the guitar while the other sings

(he has black hair) and they both have shades. What's up with so many people wearing them. They're playing 'Sad-Maroon 5' that's

quite a sad song to sing in spring.

"Min we should get our uniform today, because we start next week"

"Ok, but are you sure we have to get it ourselves. It never said we had to.



Hope you like so far.

Starting School in next chapter.

Who's excited to start? ^_^

So far in the story has been 4 idols (not including Ailee) have appeared.

Sorry I haven't given much to go on, but in the next chapter you'll find out who that guy at the cake shop is.

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