Important Message

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To all my readers of Ozpin x Glynda,
I am sadly to say that there will be no chapter coming out this week.

It's not because of personal reasons or anything.

Not family problems it's because I want to do an experiment for this month. I am going on a schedule to try to post a chapter from a different book each Sunday.

For example

One week RoseGarden
Second Week Snowbird
Third Week Glynda x Ozpin.
Fourth Week I GET A BREAK.

This will help me and stuff but since Valentines Day is about a month away.

So a Valentines Special for this book will come out on....the 27th

During the break it gives me time to write a chapter and not have to rush through it like I do every week.

So if your disappoint and want to complain,
I really don't care....

On the 20th there will be no chapter coming out because of honor band so yeah.....

So at the end of month I will reflect and see what I think and if I will continue this. Which I think I will.

ALSO ROSEGARDEN IS COMING OUT WITH A CHAPTER BECAUSE I already wrote more then 200 words so I'm gonna post it on Sunday!

So have good day/night!


It was Meant to Be Ozpin x GlyndaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin