He love me!

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"I-I love you too" he says back,my heart flutters.he kisses my forehead and says "get some rest" then leaves.
THOMAS POV. I was a little bit shocked when she flat out said I love you but I knew that I loved her too. Now to figure out what there gonna do with Ben,and what happened to alby. I need to find newt to see what's going on.I walk out the homestead and head for the garden where he usually is,I spot him he looks awful big bags under his eye,hair messy. "Hey,I say "w-what? then I stop. "Hey are you doing okay? He looks at me "of course I'm not bloody okay! "My friend has been lost to the maze,and I don't know how to keep things running smoothly here! "what am I supposed to do Tommy? "I know,I'm sorry about alby I say. newt let's out a big breath then says "what did you want to ask before? "I was gonna ask if? I paused. "Well bloody spit it out! Newt says I rub the back of my neck here goes. "What are we gonna do with Ben? He looks at me and then to the ground.Then says "we will have to banish him tonight" I sigh "I've never seen a banishment,don't really think I want to" "your not" says newt "your gonna keep thorn company while it happens,I don't want to make her feel like it's her fault"I nod then think about what thorn said and smile. Newt looks at me puzzled and says "what was that grin about? "Ohhh Nothing,Nothing" he looks at me and shakes his head. Then he asks if I can help in the garden.
THORNS POV. I wake up and my whole body aches my arm is throbbing.thats what I get for messing around with a griever,I think kinda proud.Then I remember what I said to Thomas. then I think he actually said it back. I lay there looking at the ceiling with a big grin on my face.
I look at my legs I'm wearing jeans which are now tore up,my shirt doesn't look much better and my hair looks like a griever styled it. I need a shower,I got to get this griever juice off me. I stand up a little bit wobbly but then right myself. I walk to the door and then to  the hall closet. I dig though and find a white t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants I grab them and head down the stairs.When I get to the bottom I stop and make a turn to the kitchen,I look both ways and see nobody which is kinda weird. but I have food on the mind!I grab a orange and sit down and start peeling it.Then think the doors will be closing soon.I finished the orange in record time.I pick up the clothes and head for the door I turn the handle and open it.Then I see every glader around the door pushing Ben in. NO I scream!? I drop the clothes and run towards them but I'm grab by to strong arms All I can hear is the screams of Ben.but the doors start closing and he's pushed in the last thing I hear is NOOOO!? I was punching and clawing who ever was hold me. "Woah greenie calm down" its gally.I kick him one more time and he say "that's it and drops me,and walks away.Thomas Then walks up as I'm standing up. "I'm sorry" Thomas says. "me and newt didn't want to upset you" I feel angry for a second then know he was just trying to protect me.I must of been thinking to long because he says "A-are you mad at me? I smile and say "No Thomas" He gives a look of relief and smiles.then says "Are you headed to the showers? I Wiggle my nose and says "yeah" thomas walks over and picks up My clothes up and says "come on all walk you" I run up and hop on his back and say "actually you carry me! He lets a chuckles.when we get to the shower newts coming out. "newtie I scream and hop off of Thomas back,I run over to him and hug him he laughs and then hugs back he push back and says "holy kluck the griever got you good! I roll my eyes and say "you should see the griever" Thomas and newt laughed. I dun made a griever pancake! I say.Newt pinches his nose and says smell like the griever May have Barf On you" "hey! I say then newt says "alright well I'm gonna get something to eat see you later" Then he limps off which I never noticed. "Hey Thomas why does newt limp? He shrugs then hands me my clothes and asks"want me to wait outside? now that you killed a griever I'm pretty sure you can handle yourself" he says with a wink."You can go If you want" I say. "Okay I'll see you in a little while" then he walks off.I go to the far end Shower and,turn the water on. I hang my dirty clothes on the hook outside,and leave my clean clothes on the bench right outside the Curtain. I let the warm water cascading over me,the hot water burns the cuts in a kinda good way.I start singing I don't know where,I remember this from but the words flow from my mouth "I've seen fire and I've seen rain,I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end,I've seen lonely times when I could not have a friend,but I always thought I see you again"then the water turn cold,and I turned it off.I grab the clothes and put them on I forgot my boots,oops. I open the door to the shower house and see Thomas leaned up on a tree. I Decide to sneak up on him.I walk up and grab his Throat he jumps and scream. I Start laughing "oh my gosh you should have heard yourself,you sounded like a little girl" I whale. he rolls his eyes and says "very funny"in a very sarcastic voice.then he grabs me and throw me over his shoulder I scream. "Ha! Thomas says "who sounds like a little girl now" I playfully hit him and say "let me go! He doesn't. Then all of a sudden he drops to the ground,at first I thought he was playing. I slap his arm "hey get up" He doesn't move. "Thomas!I yelled no answer!

Okay this is long not sure if it's good buuut whatever thanks for reading!

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