Chapter eighteen

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"Holy mother of-" Tae cut himself off.

There was a teenage girl with straight, dark black hair sitting on the front step, head in her hands. Who was she? What was she doing here?

"Hey, sweetie, are you okay? Do you need anything?" I asked, genuinely worried. Maybe she was lost or something happened at home, I don't know! I'm just so confused!

She turned her head around, finally noticing us, and stood up. Beside me, Tae gasped. Why'd he gasp? Does he know her?

I looked at the girl and took in her features. She had black chest length hair, big brown doe eyes, fairly short, and was wearing expensive clothing; a light pink dress with white lace bordering the bottom, and a pair of white flats. You know, she kind of reminded me of someone. But who?

"TaeTae," I asked, "Do you know her?"

The girl looked at Tae, and then back at me. She seemed slightly disappointed.

"Don't you?" Tae asked, joining the girl on the front steps and taking her into a big hug. She gladly accepted it and held on so tight that her fingers turned white, letting some tears escape.

"Jeongguk," Tae said, still holding on to the weeping girl, "Can't you recognize her? Look at her one more time." At this Tae pulled away, wiping her tears gently. The strange girl turned and faced me once more. I recalled all of her features. I swear she looked so familiar! She looked like- just like- wait. Why the heck does she look like me? Wait- maybe- no, it couldn't be. But could it?

"Eun Jung?" I asked. My voice came out as a whisper, not believing that this could actually be real. But Tae and the girl nodded, confirming that yes, this beautiful child was indeed Eun Jung.

I ran out the door and joined them on the steps. I took her face in my hands and took one good look at her. This was my daughter, how could I not see it before? I wrapped her in my arms and held on to her as if I was holding on for my life. She returned the hug instantly, and next thing you know, all three of us are crying. I pulled Tae into the hug, this was the happiest I've been in a long time. My daughter, our daughter, was back in our arms.

* * *

"So how'd you get here?" Tae asked as we were all on the couch, warming up with some tea and fuzzy blankets from the cold autumn weather.

"I took the bus," Eun Jung responded in a quiet tone. She was a shy one no doubt, but I could tell she would soon grow out of that.

"How did you find out about us?" I asked, taking a sip out of my mug.

"Well, to start off, Mother and Father were never very nice. They never treated me as if I was their daughter. They'd yell at me, tell me I wasn't good enough, and some times they'd make small comments saying that they never should have taken me. When ever I asked what they had meant by that, they always just brushed it off and changed the topic. Growing up I had always wondered about the strange boy in the pictures, the one that looked just like me. Mother and Father called him my brother, but I found it strange that he never visited. So one day when I was in Father's office looking for something, I noticed a black, leather bound journal. There were at least ten of them on the shelf. Me being me, I was curious and opened one, it was a diary. I read through it and found out some stuff about you as a child, going off to college with your best friend, and then I read about you having a baby. It was strange, yet interesting, so I kept reading. Then I found out that the baby was ripped away from you guys, and its new parents were my mother and father. And I'm nearly sixteen, I'm smart enough to realize I was your guys' child. And I hated my life back home, so I did some research. I found out that Taehyung was a successful artist and photographer who takes pictures for a lot of idols, and I found out that you, Jeongguk, managed idol groups and even RM and AgustD. So after months of searching, I finally found your guys' address and decided to run away. I left a note explaining where I was going, but since they're never home, it'll probably take them a couple days to realize I've left," she finally finished her story and looked at the two of us to analyze our reactions.

The whole time Tae and I had stayed quiet, listening intently. So not only was she beautiful, but she was smart too. What other sixteen year old would be able to pull this off?

"Well I'm really glad you found us," Tae said, smiling over at her. "It was really hard for the two of us when you left, even our friends had a hard time parting. We tried every thing and anything to get you back, but no matter what we did, we were never successful," Tae looked down at that, reminiscing the dreary times where we were mourning the loss of our daughter. I reached my arm behind Eun Jung and rubbed Tae's shoulder comforting him. He looked up, and placed his hand a top of mine, smiling.

Eun Jung watched this exchange and smiled, it was just like mine. "You guys are really cute," she said, "I hope I can be as happy as you two one day."

Tae and I looked over at this. Was she gay too? We both read each other's faces and decided that we wouldn't pry. Instead we decided on hugging her. "Of course you will darling," I said, leaning my head against her shoulder, Tae doing the same on her other side.

"Even though I've only been here for less than an hour, I feel as though I've received more love from you two than I have from my 'parents'," she said making air quotations, "in my whole life." Tae and I squeezed her harder hearing her words. She must have truly hated it there.

"You will always be loved here," Tae said, rubbing her arm and sitting up. I followed him and sat up too.

Eun Jung's face was full of gratitude. "Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it," she said softly. She sounded just like her mom.

"Tae, can I see you in the kitchen real quick?" I asked. I had something important I wanted to discuss with him.

He looked slightly confused, but agreed none the less. We excused ourselves and made our way to the kitchen, shutting the door behind us.

"What are we going to do?" I asked. "Are we supposed to take her back? Are we allowed to keep her? Can we keep her?" I rambled, making my husband chuckle.

"What ever you think is best Jeonggukie," he replied, lacing our fingers together.

I smiled and looked down at our hands, I love this man so much. "Honestly," I started, "I want her to stay with us. She seemed so miserable over there," I said.

"Agreed. I don't want our baby going through that. She needs to know what it feels like to be loved," Tae said.

"So are we agreed?" I asked, "Are we going to offer her to move in?"

"Yes," Taehyung agreed, "Yes we are."

I squealed and hugged him in a bone crushing hug. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. After a few seconds I pulled back, a smile wide on my face, resembling the boxy one that Tae had on his face. I shook my head, not believing that we are actually going to do this, and kissed him. It was hard and quick, but it was still amazing none the less.

He rested his forehead against mine, holding the nape of my neck. "Let's do this thing," Tae said.

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