Chapter six

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Jeongguk bolted out of bed. What the heck was that?!

He ran over to his light switch and flicked it on.

Oh. Yeah. He had a baby. And it was crying. Shoot! It's crying! What do I do?! He panicked and ran toward the crying girl and picked her up.

"Hey baby Daddy's got ya. That's it, calm down. Are you hungry? Do you want a bottle?" Jeongguk cooed, talking to Eun Jung and slightly bouncing her up and down.

Jeongguk made his way to the kitchen, his daughter slightly whimpering. He was going to turn on the lights when he realized they were already shining, and Taehyung was heating up a bottle.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk asked.

"I heard Eunie crying and I figured it was about time for her to be fed, so when I realized I probably wasn't going back to sleep I decided to be helpful," he smiled tiredly, eyes drooping, and put the bottle in the microwave for 30 seconds. After the timer beeped loudly, Taehyung tested it out on his wrist, making sure it wasn't too hot nor too cold.

Tae nodded in satisfaction and handed it to Jeongguk, who turned off the kitchen light and made his way over to the couch, Taehyung following him.

After settling down, Jeongguk propped Eun Jung on his arm and started feeding her. She gladly accepted the bottle, and drank it until not even a single drop remained.

And as they had been taught earlier, Jeongguk put a rag over his shoulder and rested her head atop it, her stomach pressing flat against his chest. Jeongguk gently started to pat her until she let out a little burp. Thankfully, there was no spit up, and Eun Jung had fallen asleep once more.

Jeongguk sighed and rested his head against Tae's shoulder. Taehyung laughed quietly at the half asleep younger and gently laid down on the couch, pulling Jeongguk and Eunie on top of him. With his Kookie curled up on his side, Taehyung carefully took Eun Jung and held her in his arms.

Two minutes later, soft snores could be heard from both Jeongguk and the baby, and Kook's arm had found its way on to Eun Jung, his hand softly grazing her tiny arm. Taehyung fell asleep with more love in his heart than he's felt in a long time.

Maybe having a baby in the apartment wouldn't be so bad after all.

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