Chapter thirteen

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Friday rolled around and my health improved greatly thanks to Taehyung. We never really got to talk about how we feel, and what we should do about it, but I have a feeling that's going to happen before our movie night.

Since the boys wanted to meet Eun Jung, we decided to have it at our house. Namjoon unwillingly returned her last night, when it was decided that I am 100% healthy.

It was five o'clock and all of our classes were over, the boys aren't supposed to come until six thirty, giving Taehyung and I plenty of time to talk. Should I start the conversation? Jungi was in her room asleep and Tae and I were on the couch, feet propped on the coffee table, and watching some show on Netflix that I couldn't pay attention to.

I mean, it's worth a shot. "Hey Taehyung," I started and looked over at him.

"Hm?" he hummed in response, pausing the show and turning towards me, giving me his full attention.

"Do you want to talk about last week?" I asked awkwardly. I wanted to make this as least awkward as possible, but it seems I have already failed.

"Yeah, I think that would be good," he responded. Good, that's good. Okay . . . wait, am I supposed to talk next? Shoot.

"Umm, so, I like you," I said, making it even more awkward, "and, umm, you like me?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

Tae smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, I do like you," he said and reached for my hand. I've held hands with him plenty of times before, so why is my heart speeding up now?

"So, what do we do with this information?" I asked, slowly gaining back my confidence.

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked, rubbing my hand with his thumb gently.

"I mean, we could date, you could be my boyfriend and we could take care of Eun Jung together, or we could stay friends and not risk our friendship being ruined," and those were the options. Only one of them was great, but both could work out.

"I like the first option," Tae replied bashfully, boxy smile on full display.

"I like that option too," I replied, smiling so wide it hurt my mouth. "So, boyfriends?" I asked, really hoping he wasn't just messing around this whole time and would start laughing at me. I don't think I could bear to live with that.

"Boyfriends," he agreed. And next thing you know we're hugging. I don't know who went for it first, or maybe it was the both of us, but it just felt so right. Taehyung was my one and only, the one who I wanted to spend my life with. The one whom I will never let go of. He is my soulmate.

* * *

"YOOOOOOO!" Hoseok screamed as he made his way into our apartment carrying a large bag of snacks.

"Hey guys!" Tae and I greeted, Eun Jung in my arms having woken up just a few minutes ago.

"Who's ready to get this party started?!" Jimin yelled as he made his way over to the couch where I sat with Jungi. "Uwuwuwuwu she's so precious!" Jimin squealed, reaching out to hold her. I laughed and passed her over. As usual, she was wearing pink. I wasn't complaining though, it was her color. Plus it was Seokjin who was buying so we didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Soon enough all of the boys had gathered in the living room. Taehyung and I on the large couch, Namjoon and Jin on the smaller couch, Yoongi on the sofa chair, and Jimin and Hoseok on the floor playing with Eun Jung.

As we were all getting settled in, I noticed Namjoon eyeing the two boys on the floor. He was jealous. And I was so gonna call him out.

"Hey Namjoonie hyung?" I called out, "Jealous much?" I smirked.

"Psh. No! Why would I be jealous?" he scoffed, fooling no one.

"Hmm maybe because Jungi seems to be loving Jimin and Hoseok. Don't you think they get along great? They just look so cute together!" I said, hoping to get him riled up. And by the look on his face, I assume I did a pretty good job.

Namjoon looked from my smirking face to Eun Jung, and back again, finally giving in and snatching Jungi away from the boys on the floor who were now sulking quietly. Meanwhile, everyone else in the room was laughing at Namjoon's antics.

Tae leaned into me clutching his stomach from laughing so hard. I wrapped my arm around him and continued laughing as well. Eventually the laughter died down and we settled in to watch the movie. We brought out some pillows and blankets and distributed them evenly. We aslo moved the coffee table out of the way so that Jimin and Hoseok could lay down on the floor.

We finally decided on watching My Neighbor Totoro, a classic that we all enjoyed.

Throughout the movie, Namjoon had fed Eun Jung and put her in her crib, returning only to have Jin lay on top of him; Tae had laid his head on my chest, both our legs stretched out on the sofa; Yoongi had joined the two on the floor, and they all fell asleep somewhat cuddling together.

Movie nights would always remain my favorite, it was a time where we could all get together and just be ourselves around our favorite people.

I kissed Tae on his forehead and whispered goodnight. I can't remember the last time I've been so happy.



I want this story to have at least twenty five chapters and I have so many plans for this but I really just want to get it published. The reason why I'm waiting to publish it when it's finished is because I don't want to have to worry about updating it and I also have this struggle where I read so many books, and when they're not completed and the author updates, I don't remember what the book was about. So I'd rather not have this be that type of book and I'd love for it to be something someone could read all at once and not have to wait for an update. So if anyone got this far, thank you for giving this book a chance!

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