Chapter 7

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I'm BACK! From my holiday, woot wooooot! This chapter is kind of... violently graphic. And extremely depressing, at least in my own opinion. :/ It tells you all about who Kierlan and his brother (Ajax) are, and how they came to be in the situation they're in. Pay close attention!

Chapter 7

*Dulcie's PoV*

Enjoy this? What was that supposed to mean, I wondered curiously. All four of us regarded each other intently. No one seemed about to make the first move. I sighed. Guess that meant I had to take this awkward situation into my hands and make the best darn lemonade any one of these goodlooking vampires had ever tasted.

Which would be hard considering... I sucked at cooking. No, seriously. My last attempt at making my father breakfast in bed for Father's Day ended up with six ambulances, five police cars, and my parents having to buy all new appliances on top of new renovations.


"Who are you?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. I widened my stance to appear much more fierce than I actually was. Couldn't hurt, right?

Lavender eyes smiled. "I am the older brother of Kierlan, Ajax. What is your name, human?" he asked in turn.

I frowned. "You don't need to point out my humanity. Believe me, I know how much of a human I am in the midst of all you supernaturals," I grumbled. He shocked me by doing something totally outrageous; he laughed. At me!

"All right, you have a point there. My apologies. What is your name?" At his apology, Kierlan's and Dastan's jaws dropped. I smirked smugly. Cat got their tongues? That's right, this gorgeous vampire apologized to me! The dirt beneath your feet! Wait...

"Lawrence. Dulcie Lawrence," I blurted randomly after I realized I was still with-holding my reply. He nodded appreciatively and finished wrapping a white bandage tightly around his forearm. Funny how I didn't notice he was injured until now.

"Have my brother and my friends treated you well since you arrived?" he asked, clearly making a polite attempt at conversation.

Kierlan's eyes narrowed, and Dastan gulped. "Yes, they have been so kind to me. I couldn't ask for better kidnappers," I said with saccharine sweetness. He laughed again, much to Kierlan's and Dastan's dismay.

"I shall deal with them later. I am assuming you have been caught up to speed with the current situation around here?" he pinned his intense gaze on me. I shuffled my feet, unable to handle it.

"Um... your assumption would be incorrect. I don't know everything that's going on, all I know is that I'm here as a bargaining chip for my parents' money. I have to say, your henchmen or friends or whatever they are didn't really think this through," I said with a distasteful frown.

He sighed. "And once again, I do apologize on their behalf. Intelligence was not a required trait for these fellows, I am afraid."

Kierlan growled while glaring at the back of his brother's head. I danced a victorious jig in my mind. Ha! Take that, stupid psychopath! Who's feeling inferior now, huh?

"I suppose I will take it upon myself to offer you a fully detailed explanation. Will you please come and take a seat?" Ajax of the beautiful eyes asked with a gesture to the black leather couch to his right. I slowly sidled up to it, praying fervently that I wouldn't endure a bout of clumsiness on my trip across the room. Once I was seated, limbs thankfully intact, Ajax snapped his fingers.

"Dastan, Kierlan, be gone." And like that, they were gone. I was alone. With a stranger.

I gulped and clasped my hands together.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 24, 2012 ⏰

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