Chapter 6

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Ello, lovelies! Um. Not much to say, really, but... I hope you like this upload? :)

Chapter 6~

*Kierlan's PoV*

 "Boss, he has arrived," Dagger informed me solemnly. I stood even straighter than straight and flicked my wrist at Dastan.

 "Take care of her somehow. I would rather she did not make a scene in front of my brother when she awakens," I said dismissively. Dastan rolled his eyes and looked down at the human with a helpless expression. I strolled out of the study to the foyer in order to greet the leader of our group.

 Ajax was standing there by the front door, soaking wet, making a disgusted face at the bleeding wounds covering his bare arms. I leaned against a stair banister, crossing my arms, and cocked a brow. "Got you, did they?"

 "Oh shut up, Kierlan. It would not have happened if my back up had been with me like they were originally supposed to," he hissed dryly. I rolled my eyes.

 "Whatever, you will soon be happy I went against what we had planned. Because of me breaking orders, I wound up with something better that will... eventually... end up benefitting us all."

 "And that would be?" Ajax asked with a hefty sigh. I opened my mouth to speak when he cut me off abruptly, lavender eyes blazing. "Why is there a human in our hideout?" he demanded fiercely. I waited calmly as he stalked over to me and wrapped a hand around my throat.

 "Oh, stop with the theatrics, will you? You did not let me finish."

  He gave my throat a squeeze for extra measure, and reluctantly backed off. "I am waiting," he growled grumpily.

 I smiled beatifically. "The human girl happened to be in the filthy rich mansion the boys and I were to rob. Rightfully assuming she lived there, I kidnapped her. We can hold her for ransom, to which I have no doubt will be fully paid, and give her the boot afterward. All we really need is money-- and fast. We need a new place of refuge and new weapons. They are hunting us down slowly but surely," I spoke urgently.

 Ajax scowled and yanked off his vest, flinging it at the floor by my feet. "You really think this will work?"

 I nodded, eyeing him warily. In no way was I keen to witness him in a rage, however unusual they were.

 He groaned. "You know that if this does not work out, we will be forced to kill her before those dratted humans begin to sniff us out? We are already in the middle of a gang war; we need not other forces be involved."

 I set my mouth in a grim line. "Yes, I understand."

 "Good," he said, looking at me directly. "And Kierlan? If this turns out to be a horrible idea, not only will you be punished, but I will have you personally kill her in a way I deem fit."

 I clenched my fists. "Yes, brother."

 "Now help me with my injuries."


 *Dulcie's PoV*

 My head was aching like nothing else I'd ever felt. I let my hand slowly touch my temple, and hissed in pain at the tension there. Why, oh why, was I in pain? Oh, right. My major freak out.

 With a groan I didn't bother to stifle, I opened my bleary eyes to see a blurry vampire cradling me. "What are you doing?" I asked confusedly. When my eyes focused and made out that it was Dastan who held me in his arms, I instantly remembered his kiss.

 "YOU!" I snarled, thrashing in his arms until he practically dropped me. He grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

 "Eh, yeah, about that-"

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