The Vampire in My Doorway

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Yep, so... I'm going to test out a new vampire story! I think I might erase Hellooo... Stranger?! because they might turn out to be similar. I don't know yet, whichever one seems more popular I'll keep (: Anywho, try it out!

€Chapter 1€

*Dulcie's PoV*

 After waving a farewell to my parents as they pulled out of our outrageously long driveway, I ran up the set of glass spiral stairs leading to the third story, all the way to my room. It was time to start my usual Friday night routine, and I was excited. Fridays were the nights when I could do anything I wanted and no one would know.

 I pulled on an old, raggy T-shirt for comfort along with loose, warm sweatpants that cropped a little below the knee, and pulled on bright turquoise fuzzy socks I had bought myself for Christmas. Outfit complete. Then, I grabbed my iPod, the portable speaker set, my hairbrush, and an enormous pile of blankets. My ritual would've been way more fun had Isla been able to come party with me, but her grandfather had a stroke recently and her family flew all the way to Minnesota to stay with him.

 But I could make do.

 Quickly hauling my load down the stairs, after resisting the tempting urge to slide down the banister the way Mom forbade me, I dumped everything on the couch to plug in the speakers on the granite kitchen counter and set up my dance music.

Pitbull and Ne-Yo's 'Give Me Everything' suddenly began thumping, making the cherry hardwood floors vibrate and give me a subtle foot massage.

 Oh yeah baby.

 I tentatively slid my foot across the freshly waxed floor, grinning like a little kid in a candy shoppe when it slid with effortless ease. The music blared an I raced around the counter island to the freezer, yanking it open and selecting my all time favorite: chocolate peanut butter cup swirl ice cream. Holding the new, unopened gallon of ice cream in one hand, I delicately rummaged through the utensil drawer in search of the unnaturally large spoon I had recently bought for this exact occasion.


 My hips began wiggling on their own accord like they did anytime I heard music. Something about the beat made my body move, whether I had a say in it or not. Before I knew it, I was singing along to the undeniably catchy song.

 "Grab somebody sexy, tell them hey!

 Give me everything tonight

 Give me everything tonight

 Give me everything to-ni-i-ight,

 'Cause we might not get tomorrow!" I sang at the top of my lungs, horribly off-key. Not that it mattered. No one could hear me.

 And so, the ritual began.

 I opened the lid to my container of ice cream and dug in whole-heartedly, my eye twitching at the abrupt coldness of the creamy confection. As the warmth of my mouth began melting the spoonful, I danced over to the living room and started setting up the fort I'd huddle up in while watching my favorite animated movie ever, How to Train Your Dragon.

 It's not childish, it's awesome.

 Soon, Parachute's 'White Dress' burst through the speakers and I belted out the words in sync with finishing up the makeshift fort, tweaking things all around. There, all done.

 Being highly illogical and simply because they could, my parents had dedicated the entire room off to the left of the kitchen to music, movies, and books. It was easily my favorite room of the house, besides my own of course. So, carrying my ice cream and gigantic spoon, I pranced past the kitchen and into the media room. The movie was in the second glass case on the left wall, if I remembered correctly. I set my dessert on the table- after taking another bite- and opened the "secret" drawer underneath the table to pull out the key to that particular movie case. Yes, my parents like to over-do everything, despite how pointless it is.

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