Chapter 3

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Okay, here's the 3rd chapter since I've finally written it AND I've had some pretty demanding requests for me to upload it. So. Here it is!

*Chapter 3*

 I blinked.

 They blinked.

 My eyes widened drastically.

 A smirk appeared on all of their faces, as if they knew what I was thinking. Then again, it probably wasn't that hard to figure out. I had the 'oh my gosh oh my gosh you're all freaking gorgeous and unreal that I could die and go to heaven from this hallucination' expression on my face.

 So yeah, my thoughts weren't exactly a mystery.

 "Mate, is she mute or something?" The hunkalicious guy with the blood-red hair and livid, mischievous dark pine green eyes finally tore his eyes away from me and looked at my captor, who had his hands locked behind his head and was staring at the ceiling of the limo.

 "If she was, that would make our lives way easier," he muttered. I narrowed my eyes and 'hmmph'ed, crossing my arms and lifting my nose in the air.

 "She is not mute," Mr. Hella-Good-Looking-in-a-Bad-Boy-Way-With-The-Scar said. The redheaded guy's jaw dropped and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. They got even wider when Mr. Scar winked at me.

 I blushed.

 "No way! You're talking to HER?" Redhead asked in outrage. I smirked triumphantly and quickly stuck my tongue out at him in victory. He narrowed his eyes at me and Mr. Sexy-with-the-scar chuckled deep in his throat.

 "You're fighting over me? I'm honored," he joked, resting his hand over his unbeating heart. I laughed, surprising myself, and apparently them too as they all looked at me with incredulity. Besides Mr. Ice-haired psycho.

 "What?" I asked self-consciously once my giggles subsided.

 "You're in a limo... with three vampires... who could kill you... faster than you can blink... and you're laughing?!" Redhead-with-the-British-accent questioned me slowly like I was the insane one.

 "It is not at all surprising. She is a nutcase," Mr. Psycho drawled, informing the guys. Right now his eyes were a pale, icy blue that could only be seen on rare, early winter mornings before the sun was up.

 "Excuse me, Mr. I-Have-A-Stick-Up-My-Derriere. I'm not a nutcase! You're just too grumpy to even crack a smile. I doubt you even know how to," I snapped. Everyone's eyebrows rose as Mr. Psycho rested his eyes on me and leaned forward.

 "She doesn't know who she's speaking to?!" Redhead gasped in an appalled-yet-amused manner.

 "Obviously not," Mr. Psycho snapped at him in a tone that would make children cry. He focused his gaze back on me.

 "Watch your mouth, girl," he warned icily.

 "I have a name, Mr. Bossy," I retorted hotly in annoyance.

 "If I cared, I would have asked," he said dismissively, once again leaning back.

 "You JERK! YOU INCONSIDERATE, SELFISH, ARROGANT, RUDE, UNBEARABLE JERK!" I yelled. What was up with the stick up his butt?!

 "You DARE talk to him like that-" Redhead burst, immediately being silenced by a wave of Mr. Psycho's pale hand.

 "You think you can just trespass and waltz into my house, pointed a loaded gun at me, trick me, chase me, boss me around, make me think you were going to kill us both, and then kidnap me?!" I screeched, reality finally hitting me at full force. They were taking me away from my house, my family. No one knew I was gone. Would anyone come after me?

 "I did not trick you," Mr, Psycho pointed out calmly. If anything, his composure in this situation was just angering me more.

 "Yes, you did!" I persisted.

 "No, I did not. You set yourself up for it by not thinking of all further possibilities that could occur from your offer," he continued to point out in that infuriatingly rational voice.

 Holding my tongue to the best of my ability was hard. Instead of biting his head off, I quickly thought back to less than half an hour earlier.


 "All right, fine. If you let me live, you can take anything and everything you want and I'll pretend it never happened and not report you."

 "Then I want you."

 *End of flashback*

 I growled in frustration. My hand twitched when a smug, sexy smirk twisted Mr. Psycho's lips, orange eyes bright and mocking. Instead of violently attack my current pain-in-the-butt, like how I was in my head, a better idea popped into my head.

 I began rocking back and forth in my seat, whacking my head harshly against the back of the seat with an annoying 'thump' sound.

 Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

 "Mate, what the bloody hell is she doing?"

 Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

 "That's annoying as bloody-"

 Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.

 "Would you-"

 Thump. Thump. Boy, I was rattling my brain around quite a bit.


 Thump thump thump.

 "BLOODY HELL!" Redhead snarled and lunged at me.


 I was yanked forward roughly, and opened my mouth to scream in protest, when cool, soft lips were pressed against mine.

 My eyes closed.

 I kissed back.

 I grabbed the shoulders of the person the lovely lips belonged to.

 My knees buckled.

 I passed out.





*Originally, it was going to be longer but then I didn't like it after I wrote it so this is basically a filler until I can write the next chapter to my liking. Who do you think kissed her? Why do you think she passed out? What do you think of Dulcie? :)

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