I stood up and went over to put the plate in the sink before walking past them and upstairs to my room. I throw myself on my bed and turn on my laptop, watching Netflix.


My alarm rang making me jerk up from my sleep.

I look around and realise I fell asleep while watching Netflix. I yawned and throw my blanket off before stretching my arms and got up from my bed. I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

After I done, I changed into my tank top with denim jacket and ripped shorts. I comb my hair and let it down naturally. I grabbed my backpack before leaving my room and out the door. I walk in the kitchen and dropped my backpack on the ground beside the stool before grabbing a bowl and my favourite cereal.

"Morning Tay." Sam greeted cheerfully when he walked in.

I stare at him curiously. "Did you get laid?" I asked bluntly. He frowned, "No. I'm still a virgin for god's sake!" he exclaimed.

My eyes went wide, "Seriously?" I said. "And here I thought, you're a player." I mumbled quietly.

He groaned, "So judgemental huh Taylor." He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "How should i know? You always talk about girls like....." I trailed off. He quirk his eyebrows, daring me to continue. I laugh nervously, "Gil must have waited for me outside. I'm gonna go bye!" I rushed out and dash out of the house, bumping into Chad along the way.

Gil surprisingly is already there. I sigh in relief as I got in. She look at me amused before backing off the driveway.

"Why are you in a rush?" she asked.

I grinned, "Well I assume Sam is not a virgin anymore. But apparently he is. And then things got awkward." I answered. She laugh, "What? He's still a virgin?" she asked in disbelief.

"This is a thing I need to tell Iggy." she grinned.

I chuckled and shrug, "As long as she don't tell anyone, I'm good."


"Taylor! Focus!" Mr Eddie, our coach yelled. I blink and catch the ball that Christina throw at me. I dribble or across the court and round the opponent before passing it back Jackie. She bounce the ball three times before throwing it into the hoop.

Mr Eddie blow his whistle. I pant as I wipe my sweat on my forehead. The next few hours is the same. We played for few rounds before coach decide to blow his whistle in final and stop us.

Iggy groaned as she dropped to the ground. She gives me a thumbs up before groaning and lay back.

"You girls have been doing great. But Jackie, Clara and Judith, you need a lot more practice in your skills. Taylor, you really need to get your head in the game." Mr Eddie told us. We nod, he talk and brief us about The sports day where all students in sports will be attend the event for a week. And we will have to play against other school.

Honestly, I'm not looking forward to it.

He dismissed us and we all went back to our locker room. But I caught Jared at the bleachers grinning at me. He was with Cody and some other guy. The boys usually will come to the gym to see us play basketball or the cheerleader practice.

I chuckle lowly and shaking my head and just walk in the locker room. I grabbed my towel and went to the shower that provided for us at the back of the locker room.

"Jared hasn't been taking his eyes off of you when you enter the gym." Iggy said. Clara and Jackie nod in agreement. "Yeah. He's been staring at you like you're the only girl there. Its totes adorb." Clara gushed.

I laugh, "There's nothing going on between us if that's what you're trying to imply." I said firmly.

Iggy raised her eyebrows, "We didn't say anything." I gape at her, "That's totally what you trying to said though." I retorted.

She snorted, "Well but I didn't hear any no about you not liking him." she shot back and quickly left the locker room before I get a chance to protest.

I groaned and slammed my locker shut before walking out of the room. I stop in my track when I see Jared leaning on the wall behind him from across me. "Hey?" I said unsure and walk down the hallway.

Jared fall in step beside me. "You were amazing back there." he stated.

I smile, "Thanks."

He slung his arm over my shoulder and grabbed my denim jacket from my hands. "So let's hang out." he said.

I chuckled, "Uhh no. I'm tired. I think I'm just gonna go home." I said and take my jacket back from him and walk away when he grabbed my arm and throw me over his shoulder.

"That's not a question. Its a statement." he told me.

I groaned, "Put me down Jared! I need to get home!" exclaimed. He laugh and slapped my butt making me yelp. "Jared hands to yourself." I demanded.

He laugh and put me down on his bike. I crossed my arms and glare at him. "You're really mean. No wonder you have no friends." I mutter.

He smile, "Only you would think that." he laugh.

He put on my helmet and his before he slung his leg over his bike and speed off. I quickly wrap my arms around his torso, feelings his define abs under my palms.

No, bad Taylor! Stop being a perv. That's a guy's job.


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