Chapter 1

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✴Rosé pov✴

"Eonni, Please be nice to him," I begged Jennie. "I don't think so, we don't even know this mystery guy and you expect me to be nice to him," she raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Calm down and let her be Jennie, look at her eyes shes practically begging you," Jisoo came out of nowhere. "Thank you Eonni," I smiled. Jennie stuck her tounge out to Jisoo.

"I'm sad that Lisa can't be there," I said. "Yeah, but she needs to rest, she most likely didn't sleep her flight home," Jisoo responded. Lisa went to visit her family for a week. She really misses them alot.

"Alright lets go," Jennie said as our cab was here. We all got in the car and drove over to the resturant. Our friends were going to be meeting each other finally. The boys would have to meet Lisa another day.

We walk in, and I see a table with 7 boys, but I focus on only one of them. Jungkook. He stands up and gives me that bunny smile that I love so much. I walk over and hug him. "Ow." I let go, "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" I asked.

"No, he just have a few scrapes and bruises from the park. He bumped into some person on his way here," one of them laughed. Jungkook told me everyones names, and how they are. I'm going to guess he's Jin.

"I'm Namjoon," nope I'm completely off. I smiled, "I'm Rose." I turned and introduced my Eonni's. Jennie was frozen in her spot. She seemed zoned out. "Eonni are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost," I mentioned. She snapped out of it when Jungkook came over. "Hey Noona," he says.

"Hi Jungkook, long time no see," she says. I look at both of them, "You know each other?" I asked. "I went to school with Jungkook, Taehyeong, and Jimin. He was always around those two," she forced a laugh.

I turned around and saw Jisoo sitting at the table. She already had one of the boys staring at her, but she payed no mind to that at all. Then I saw Taehyeong or Jimin staring at Jennie like a little kid looks at a candy shop.

"Lets go eat," I say. I sat down next to Jungkook and Jisoo. Across from Jisoo was Jin. So that's Jin. I look between the two. Yeah, I ship it. Next to Jin was Yoongi, and Hoseok to his left, then Taehyeong and Jennie. The both of then look uncomfortable. Next to Jisoo was Namjoon then Jimin.

"How've you been Jungkook," Jennie asked. "I've been good," he said. "How've you been Jennie, I mean you stopped talking at all 3 of us at once," He asked. Taehyeong looked at Jennie as well as Jungkook. Jimin payed no mind and focused on his food. "I- uh," Jennie was speechless. "Leave Jennie alone, were here to celebrate Rosé and Jungkook," Jimin said not removing his eyes off his plate.

Jungkook removed his eyes off of Jennie and smiled at me as he held my hand in his. I looked at Taehyeong and his eyes had so much pain. Through out dinner I had multiple thoughts go through my head: What happened with Taehyeong and Jennie? What's Jennie's deal with Jungkook? Why does Jimim only look at his plate? What's Lisa doing right now?

Lisa's POV✴

I lay down icing my leg. Ow that stings, I thought to myself. My phone bings as Jisoo sent me a text.

Here's Mystery Boy

JichuHere's Mystery Boy

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I gasped. That's the guy who I bumped into today.

*An hour ago*

I was walking through the park. It was so peaceful: the moon, the stars, a cool breeze, and leaves gentally leaving the tree. I was so far in my own world, I didn't realize someone was calling me. "HEY WATCH OUT," the person yelled.

Somebody on a bike sped through. I step aside so I didn't get run over, and I was safe. I went to continue walking, when I tripped over a rock, and I ended up falling down a mini slope to the pond. "Crap!" I whispered to myself as I sat up in the empty pond.

"Are you okay," the person came and stod at the top of the slope. "I'm good." I put a thumbs up. "Here let me help you out," he carefully went to climb down the slope, "WAIT THERE'S NO-" I was to late. It was clean, nothing to grab onto. He tumbled down, and landed right on me in the pond.

"I am so sorry," he said, getting off of me and out the pond. I laughed, "It's alright, I have my change of clothes in my luggage." "Did you just move here?" He asked. I twirled my hair and squeezed the water out of it, "No, I just came back from visiting my family in Thailand." "Wow thats cool."

We just sat there sitting near the pond, staring at each other. His went to check his phone, but it was soaked. "Fuck," he said under his breath. "Do you know what time it is?" I grabbed my luggage and found my phone. "8:03."

He stood up, "I'm going to be late to my date." "You can't go like that," I said. He gave me a 'No Duh' look. I rolled my eyes at his expression. "Here come with me," I grabbed his wrist and dragged him up to a clothes stand on the corner. "Take off your blazer, it's soaked," I tell him. I felt his shirt, "That's fine, but um- you're going to need some new pants."

"Yah! Are you looking at my butt," his face turned pink. "Stop being a baby," I laughed. Everything here looked touristy, so I just bought him some flowery shorts. "Here," I handed him the shorts.

"I'm going to look like a fool," he whinned. "Yah! Stop it! Go change," I ordered him. I don't know what, but I feel somewhat close with this stranger. He ran inside the store and changed into the shorts I bought him. Meanwhile I'm still dripping pond water.

He comes out all shy, and I smile, "See you can pull it off, so stop being a baby and go to your date." "Thank you so much, I owe you," he went to run off but stopped, "Wait whats your name?"

"Lisa," I shouted. "Jungkook" he pointed to himself and them continue running. I smiled to myself amd looked at the floor. "He's cute," the lady at the stand said. "Yeah he is."

"Crap!" I whispered to myself.


[A/n] I dont know why but I feel like the beginning is sooo meh, but you know everything gets more and more interesting the more you read😂

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and When I was planning this and figuring out the plot, the rumor of Jennie and Kai dating and I want to respect their relationship, even though I don't really ship it, but if they're happy, then Im good with it.

But because I'm like I need some respect for their relationship, even though this is thrown into a completely other universe called my imagination, I changed a few things around. Like the main plot is the same because it's not totally around her, but some events change that I know about.

Like originally there was a side love traingle between Yoongi, Jin and Jisoo; but Jisoo doesn't want to hurt them nor feels anything towards the two and picks herself because she don't need to man; and Jennie edvetually end up with Taehyeong along the way in the story; BUT because I wanna be like- "she in a relationship rn as Im writing, I gotta respect that," if I was in the middle of the book😂 nothing would change, Im sorry things would of been set.

So, Jisoo's triangle has been diminised.... As of this book😂 and we will have Jinsoo, and a single Jennie- maybe. NOW I GOTTA CLARIFY WITH MYSELF FOR THE 5TH TIME HOW THINGS R GOING TO GO 😂😂 okay I got it for sure.

Anyways Have a beautiful day.


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