Question 287

518 4 13

Meggy: Alright. Now that New Year's is over, and that we're now in 2019, it's time for the question I've saved for a while. You ready for this, Mario?

Mario: Yes I am. Now we wait for...

ReaderFromWR: (runs in the house with a picture of the two Inklings to save in hand) I'm ready to help save Eddie and Mabel.

Mario: Let's a-go! Wait. Those names kinda sound familiar.

Meggy: Yeah. The names and looks of those two are very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.

ReaderFromWR: No time for guesses. Let's get going. Blood Ravens!

Blood Ravens: (war cry)

(They all ran over to Dark Squid's base, which held many Inklings hostage)

Meggy: They must be inside here. I don't think we can just break the wall because the walls are indestructible.

Mario: There must be a way inside without us being noticed. (gets an idea) I got it! Meggy. Do you remember that we have those Red Stars?

Meggy: That's perfect.

ReaderFromWR: Blood Ravens! Knock out everyone in there so they won't notice us taking the hostages away!

(As the Blood Ravens started to knock out every villain in the base, Mario and Meggy ran home and brought back the 2 Red Stars they kept)

Infinite: (flies over to the base) Hey guys. What's going on?

ReaderFromWR: Help us take all the hostages out!

Meggy: Let's fly up there and grab the hostages.

Infinite: I'm helping both of you, Meggy and Mario.

Mario: Good choice!

(Mario and Meggy powered up with the Red Stars, as they, along with Infinite, started flying up to a high floor, fly through the window, grab one hostage each, and go back down)

Random Inkling 1: You two came to save all of us?

Mario: Yes we did. Dark Squid has caused too much.

(They did this more than 15 times and rescued everyone from the base as they grabbed the Red Stars and they, along with all the hostages, quickly ran together so the bad guys couldn't see them)

Dark Squid: (wakes up and walks to the cage where she keeps the hostages) Where have all my hostages gone?!

(Mario, Meggy, ReaderFromWR, Infinite, the Blood Ravens, and the rest of the previously captured Inklings stopped running)

Meggy: Is everyone with us?

(They all agreed with her)

Meggy: Now, you all must go inside your homes. Dark Squid might find out that all of you are gone so she might send off a search team to find you.

Infinite: We hope that all of you will be safe inside and won't be captured again.

ReaderFromWR: One last thing. We're specifically looking for two Inklings named Eddie and Mabel. Are you two with us?

(All of the Inklings moved except for the two Meggy was looking for so she can see them)

Eddie: Are... we... the ones you're looking for?

(Once Meggy heard the voice, she recognized it, gets hit with a burst of memories, and finds out who he and Mabel actually are)

Mario: Meggy? You okay?

Mabel (thoughts): Oh... my... god.

(Meggy walked up to them, and they walked up to her, and as they got close, they stared at each other, with everyone else looking)

Eddie (quietly): I... thought this day... would never come.

(There was a few more seconds of silence until Meggy broke it)

Meggy: Mom... Dad!

Eddie: Is it really you, Meggy?

Mabel: Our little girl is still alive!

(They all hugged each other, as the other Inklings applauded for them, while Mario and the others cried)

Mario: Meggy's parents... have been found. I'm so happy for them!

Infinite: I never cried at anything else before... until now.

ReaderFromWR: They're reunited at last!

Eddie: We thought you were gone or kidnapped like us.

Meggy: So many things have happened while you were gone. I just gotta tell you everything. Mario, you get home. I just want some time with my long-lost parents.

Mario: Suit yourself.

(While everyone walked home, including Infinite, ReaderFromWR, and the Blood Ravens to the castle, Mario signed off this time)

Mario: While Meggy is gone spending some quality time with her just-found parents, I'll sign off for her. Meggy can't answer your questions for a while. She wants to be with her parents, we gotta prepare for our upcoming wedding, and the war might possibly start. We're gonna be gone for quite a while, so hang tight, everyone. Ask Meggy Anything Part 2 isn't being finished until we reach the 200-part limit. So we'll see you in a couple of weeks or so. I hope that Meggy and her parents have a good time together.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 2 (Questions 190-376)Where stories live. Discover now