Bonus: Snowed

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Mario and Meggy: (wake up)

Meggy: Morning, sweetie.

Mario: Happy New Year's Eve, Meggy.

Meggy: I think that before I read the question I'm saving for last, I'm suggesting we should go spend our day at the castle to celebrate the new year first.

Mario: Great idea, Meggy. SMG4's New Year's parties are the best.

(They both got ready for the winter weather)

Mario: You ready for the big party, Meggy?

Meggy: Of course I am.

Mario: Let's a-go! (tries to open the door but it's stuck) Oh. The door might be locked. (sees that the door is unlocked but it still won't open) What's going on here?

Meggy: Let me try. (turns the handle and pulls back as hard as she can) It won't open.

Mario: Mario got an idea! (bashes his head against the door very hard but it still won't open) Well, I've done all I can do.

Meggy: Something must be going on. We gotta check. (turns on the TV and checks out the weather)

Weatherman: There has been a huge snowstorm overnight in Inkopolis, so for those of you trying to celebrate New Year's somewhere else, now is not your time. Enjoy the rest of your lousy day inside.

Meggy: (drops the remote)

Mario: (walks over to the window and opens the blinds as he sees only snow) WE'RE SNOWED IN!

(Mario and Meggy were panicking because their plans for New Year's were ruined by the snowstorm until both Pikachus shock them both to calm down)


Meggy: Calm down, Mario! Everything will be fine soon. Maybe all the snow will melt in time.

Weatherman: Oh, I almost forgot to mention that we'll all be snowed in until after New Year's ends.

Meggy: I take that back. Our New Year's is ruined.

Mario: I gotta notify SMG4 about this! (goes into the other room)

Meggy: Sorry about this, but since we're snowed in, we can't complete your request because it requires going outside our house, which we can't do right now. We were supposed to do the New Year's Eve party first and do your question the next day, but that got ruined by the snowstorm as well. Very sorry about this. I just hope that we'll get out before the end of New Year's.

To be continued in "Snowed In on New Year's" later tonight.

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 2 (Questions 190-376)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora