Naomi smiled, this is what she wanted all along, this is what she dreamed for. Sebastian looked up and caught her smiled, he blew a kiss in the air and Naomi giggled. Sebastian looked down at their children, "So who wants mommy to have three more kids?"

All of their kids raised their hands and Naomi glared at her husband. "Baby if you want a football team, buy one. No more kids are coming out of this body after this one. Now if you want to give birth I give you full permission."

Sebastian chuckled, "Baby but you look so beautiful when you're pregnant."

Naomi glared at him, "So I am what? Ugly the other days?"

Sebastian when behind his wife, and pulled out a chair for her. "No baby, you look just as beautiful and stunning."

Naomi smiled, she looked up at her brother and watched a smirk go across his face. "Having mood swings, dear sister?"

Sebastian chuckled behind her, and she turned just in time to see him nod his head. "Sebastian!"

Sebastian looked at his wife, face completely blank. "What baby?"

Naomi and her family laughed, "You know what! I am not having mood swings I have never had mood swings."

Sebastian nodded, "I agree baby, just like you haven't had food cravings."

Naomi giggles, "Mom what was your craving with me?" Naomi looked at Dwayne, "Well you I always craved ramen noodles the creamy chicken kind."

Dwayne smiled, he ate those as much as he could. "What about us?"

Naomi smiled at her twins, who half the time she could not tell apart. "You guys loved sweet and salty foods." Naomi turned to her daughter, "Curious about yours baby?"

Raven looked up, "Yeah."

Naomi smiled, "Spicy anything spicy. Your father had the shits for weeks cause all I would make or buy would be spicy."

Sebastian's face went bright red, "Naomi." Everyone was trying their best to make there laughs quite, well all accept their kids. All four of them were bursting out loud, and that soon made her siblings lose control to.

Naomi shushed her husband, "Oh baby calm down. Everybody poops, you just happen to do it a lot more during that time. Oh yeah," Naomi turned to Sebastian, "Do you remember the time-." Naomi was cut short when she felt Sebastian's lips on hers.

She didn't even register her kids 'ewing' a few feet away. She ignore them and focused on her husband that was taking all of her attention.

Naomi jumped when she felt something wet go across her street. She looked down and on her table was one of the puppies that the dogs had. Her house was a zoo, she had 4 large dogs, her pit bulls had 6 puppies. She also had a set of great danes, they were very protective of the family and never hurt her children.

Naomi had begged her husband to get them when she was pregnant with Raven. She had insisted that they would be great guard dogs, they were and over time they became like kids to her.

Naomi kissed the little puppy on his wet nose and put it back on the floor. She looked up and meet her daughter's smiling face, "It was a easy way to get you to stop kissing."

Naomi went forward and kissed her daughter on the cheek. The 7 year old ran away giggling. Before she could get far her father picked her up and kissed the other cheek.

Naomi smiled, dinner was wrapping up and soon it was going to be time to put the kids to bed. "Why don't you guys say goodbye and go and play."

Naomi watched all of them say goodbye and one by one her kids ran up the stairs. "Naomi it's time we get going."

Naomi heard a chorus of agreements, and she hugged her family and Sebastian's parents and saw them to the door. "Night everyone."

She smiled when she heard them respond. When the door closed, Naomi was taken into Sebastian's arms. "Why don't we put the kids to bed and have some alone time?"

Naomi nodded, so together they went up to Raven's room. They tucked her in and left the door creaked. They did that for all their kids, the twins were the only kids that slept together. Naomi and Sebastian tried to get them into their own rooms but it didn't work. Now all of the kids wanted to sleep in one big room, and Naomi was sure that they were going to get their way soon.

Naomi was getting undress to put something more comfortable, "Don't dress, I drew a bath." Naomi nodded and walked past Sebastian, "I'll be right back."

She watched his back as he walked out the room, she looked back and smiled. He had covered the bathroom candles around the large tub. Not too long later he was back. In his hand a tub of ice cream and a spoon.

Sebastian stripped out of his clothes, and Naomi took his in large muscled frame. Sebastian got into the tub and put the ice cream down on one of the ledges. He then help Naomi and her large belly into the tub and onto his lap, "This is amazing, thank you baby."

Sebastian kissed her neck, "Anything for my baby, open up."

Naomi did as she was told, and she soon tasted rocky road in her mouth. "Mm, you had the doors and windows locked and check? Is the alarm on too?"

Sebastian snuggled her into his body, "Yes baby, I check everything and I can check the kids on the tv if you want."

Naomi nodded, she knew Sebastian had everything under control. "Thank you baby, now let me feed you soon. I do not need to get any larger than I already am."

Sebastian handed her the tub with the spoon in it. "Baby you are perfect."

Naomi giggled and made it so the spoon was filled and overflowing with ice cream. She brought it to his lips and smiled. "So are you baby."

Naomi smiled everything was going perfect in her life.

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? - Edgar Allan Poe

I am sad to say this is the end of Morning Coffee.

Tell me what was your favorite and least favorite part about the book?

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