"When did you get here?" I ask him.

He just giggles and I sigh.

"Sorry, he just woke up. This is Jeongin from summer," I tell Han.

"Yeah, noona. I remember him." He smiles.

"I'm not Jeongin, I'm a dinosaur! Grrr!"

"Hello, dinosaur! I'm Jisung," he says and waves.

"No, you're a squirrel!" Innie says and huffs. "My teacher said their cheeks turn like yours when eating. Why you lying?"

"You're cute."

"No, I'm Jeongin. Hmp!"

"Innie, behave. Jisung-hyung is sick."

"Haha, it's fine." Jisung shakes his head.

I just smile and ruffle Jeongin's hair.

"Oh, I brought you food that mum prepared." I take out everything and arrange it on his bedside table.

"Thank you, noona. You didn't have to, I'm still full from the bread."

"Are you sure? I guess I'll just eat the cheesecake-" I was about to take a bite when he grabs the fork from me.

Where did he get that energy?

"I'm suddenly hungry." He grins and starts devouring the cheesecake like there's no tomorrow. I laugh at his reaction and proceed to prepare the fruits.

Jeongin is sitting on the floor the whole time, playing something on my phone that he magically opened. After a bit, I felt him slip the phone back into my pocket and rests his head on my lap. I guess he got bored because I deleted the games he used to play last summer.

"Do you want some?" I offer him some strawberries.

"I just want some milk." He rubs his eyes with his tiny hands.

"We'll get that later when we get home, okay?"


I pinch his fluffy cheeks and turn my attention back to Jisung. I got startled when I saw him staring at me with a silly smile.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask him and he immediately looks away with flushed cheeks.


"How can that be nothing when you're smiling so widely?"

"Fine..." Jisung sighs and looks at me. "It's just so cute when you were talking to Jeongin like that."

"I know! He's so adorable, right?"

He suddenly laughs. "I was talking about you."


"Yes, you. You're, uh, cute." He averts his gaze.

"Thank you, but you're cuter."

"Really?" Jisung bites his lower lip as he stares at my face.

"Huh?" I feel my cheeks heat up. "Uh, are you feeling okay now?" I try to change the subject.

I wasn't supposed to say that!

He shakes his head as a smile grows on his face. "Yes, I think I'll be fine by tomorrow. Aren't we going to resume the project?"

"Yes, but you're not coming."

"Why?" He looks at me confusedly.

"Because you still need to rest. Don't force your body."

"Okay, but will you be fine?"

"Of course, Minho and I will do it!" I beam.

His smile fell at my reply.

"Just the two of you?" Jisung asks and I nod excitedly.

"Don't worry, we'll fill you in once you've recovered."

He smiles skeptically and turns the other way. "Can't you just postpone it?"

"We already scheduled it though, we're covering the place you suggested. What was that place with anime-themed rooms-"

"NO! Not the motel- I mean, don't go there!" He shakes his head profusely and waves his hands dismissively. "I was just kidding, that place is ugly! Don't ever go there with just the two of you!"

"Oh, that's too bad." I pout. "I spent hours doing the outline for tomorrow and it'll just go to waste."

"I'm sorry..." He scratch his nape sheepishly. "Hey, do you remember the cafe I told you about last time? Just go there."

"Is it pretty?"

"Well, there'll be other people so yeah... I mean, it's pretty. Very pretty!"

"Okay then, I'll go now."

"Already?" He frowns.

"I'll inform Minho on the adjustments. I hope he'll be fine with it."

"Oh." His lips pressed into a thin line.

"Get well soon, Han!" I say and stand up, carrying the sleeping Jeongin in my arms.


Jisung's POV

I sigh when I hear my bedroom door closes. I lay on my back and stare up the ceiling.

Y/n, what are you doing to me?

Earlier when she mentioned Minho, my mood suddenly changed. Just the thought of them being alone together irks me. They've been hanging out a lot ever since Minho got transferred into our class. I hate to admit it but I'm kind of... jealous.

I'm her first friend so it's totally normal, right?

I like hanging out with her. She's just so calm and chill and soft. She's like a breath of fresh air unlike my friends who always drain my energy whenever we hangout.

When they moved here, I've always thought of her as the girl next door who needs my help because she's just too innocent but as time passed, things changed and I started acknowledging her as someone more than that. Why is she suddenly so cute?

It's so weird, I don't know what to do...

What's happening to me?

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