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"What the fuck are you doing her?" Sana yelled with a shocked expression.

"I could ask you the same" Tzuyu said calmly while chewing her gum. "You followed me here, you pervert! I'm going to call the police" Sana yelled hiding behind the door.

"Calm down girl. I'm not following you" Tzuyu said and took out a peice a paper from her pocket. "You see as much as I love to talk to you I'm finding this address". Tzuyu gave Sana the address whose eyes widen. "Are you sure this is the address?" Sana asked.

"Yep. Hundred percent"

"Wait here"

"Yah! At least let me in. My bags are pretty heavy" Tzuyu yelled but Sana ignored the protests and closed the door leaving Tzuyu outside.
Sana fished out her phone from her pocket and dialled a number.


"You didn't mentioned it'll be Chou Tzuyu!"

"Does it matter?"

"Yeah, it does. I don't want to live with this pervert"


"She's the pervert I told you about"

"Sorry I didn't knew"


"Sana, it's only for three months. Do it for your father"

"Fine but I'm expecting lunch from you"

"Sure, meet me at Jihyo's restaurant"

"Bye see ya later"

Sana stuffed her phone back in her pocket and heavily sigh before opening the door.

"So I was like..." Sana was not surprise of what she was seeing. Tzuyu flirting with her neighbour who was married and had two kids.
Sana fake coughed making them stop their conversation.

"You are coming in or not" Sana said with irritation visible in her voice.

"I thought you said you are single"the woman Tzuyu was talking (flirting) with said.
"She's not girlfriend and I am single ready to mingle" Tzuyu said and winked making the woman blush.

Sana rolled her eyes and pulled Tzuyu roughly inside.
"Hey! Hey! Easy there. This sweater is expensive" Tzuyu said dusting her sweater sleeve.

"Can you not flirt with someone for a minute?" Sana said glaring at Tzuyu who was  giggling while typing on her phone.

"Yah! Are you listening?" Sana was on the verge on hitting Tzuyu with a vase.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Where is my room?" Tzuyu asked, her eyes still on her phone.

"Find it yourself" Sana huffed and went inside her room slamming her door behind her.

"What's up with her?" Tzuyu asked no one. She looked around the apartment. I was well maintained, not too big nor too small. She spotted a door opposite to Sana's room that might have been her room.

Trusting her instincts, she opened the door. Inside the room was a small bed and a small closet. 'This room is about the size of my walk in closet' Tzuyu thought.

She put her bags aside and sat on the bed. Tzuyu looked around the room which was almost was empty. She laid on the bed starring at the ceiling.

"Stupid pervert" Sana mumbled glaring at the door.
"Stop thinking about her Sana. Your headache will just  increase" Sana said and repeatedly slap both her cheeks lightly.

"Let me finish my assignment" Sana said and sat on her studying desk. Sana opened her book and started writing the important points.
"Umm..Sana" Sana looked back when a voice called her.

Living with a pervert↕SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now