19- I Dreamed A Dream

Start from the beginning

"Who in the bloody hell says that, Sierra?" Ramin laughed, glancing at her.

"Everyone says that. You've even told me that before!"

"That's doubtful. But you know what I have heard people say?" Ramin had a smirk on his face that Sierra knew something was gonna go wrong.

"And what is that?"

"That when you're there, the party dies." Ramin got out of the car before she could say anything.

Sierra gasped and chased him into the theater. "I swear, I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled at him once they had stopped running.

"I can take you." Ramin stated, walking into rehearsal.

"Oh really? I think in pretty strong." She flexed her muscles that, weren't really there.

"Oh please." Ramin flexed his.

Sierra got herself in the shot with Ramin. "How can you not fall in love with that muscle?" She pretended to swoon.

Ramin left to go warm up with some other people and left Sierra alone. "So things here look a little bit crazy. Their is literately people everywhere. Ramin has ditched me so now I'm all alone." She gasped at her own words. "And now I'm all alone again, no where to turn, no one to go to..." She sang quietly. "That's convenient."

After a little bit of more filming, she shut the camera off and they began rehearsals. The first song they did was Bring Him Home, and then just a tiny bit of The Confrontation. When that was finished, they did vocals for One Day More, and Cameron decided today was a good day to do I Dreamed A Dream.

The rest of the cast sat down, except for Cassie. Ramin sat with Sierra and put an arm around her shoulder. She pulled out her camera and put the shot on the both of them. "So we're at rehearsals still and I Dreamed A Dream is being started. Let's take a look." Sierra just shows Cameron talking with Cassie. "As you can see, not much is happening."

She kept the show on Cameron and Cassie for another minute before Cam turned to her. "Sierra, you've played Fantine. Would you like to sing?"

She groaned, and Ramin enjoyed this. "Do I even have a choice?" She whined.

"Not really. Come on, get up. Everyone show a little love." Everyone started to clap for her as she got up and gave the camera to Ramin.

"You have to go sit in the front." She demanded.

"Why?" Ramin didn't really want to get up.

"Because, if I'm being forced to sing then it's gonna get vlogged." Sierra didn't give him much of a choice, so he sat in the front of the room and got her in the shot.

Sierra had to be on her knees for the song so she flopped on the floor and groaned again. When she was ready, she got up and got ready to act. The music kicked in and Sierra felt herself becoming absorbed in the music.

"There was a time when men were kind

When their voices were soft

And their words inviting

There was a time when love was blind

And the world was a song

And the song was exciting

There was a time

Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high

And life worth living

I dreamed that love would never die

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