Chapter 8... Broken

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The look on Sam's face... I couldn't get it out of my head. Revenge of the Porpoise Men 2 played in the background, utterly ignored, as I replayed that single moment over and over in my head. 

His expression as he looked at Emily. The way his body had shuddered, just like it had on the day he disappeared. The way he just took off, without even a goodbye. The strange looks of pity  everyone gave me afterwards.

It didn't make any sense.

After we had headed inside, I had tried calling him, but there had been no answer at his house. Even after Paul and Jared had left, saying they were going to check on him, there had been no answer. Cold fear wrapped around me, smothering me... I didn't want this to happen again. I didn't want him to just disappear without a word. I wrapped my arms around myself, curling into a tight knot.

Emily turned and shot me a smile, but I could see the worry in her eyes. I pretended not to see her looking at me, focussing on the TV even though I wasn't watching it. As much as I loved her, I really wished she wasn't here right now. I knew once we got a moment alone, she was going to round on me, wanting to talk about it. I didn't want to think about what she thought of Sam's sudden departure. I didn't want to talk about it with anybody but Sam.

"Hey you two," Mom said as she poked her head into the living room from the kitchen. She had a red checkered dish towel in her hand, and was using it to dry off a plate. "Everything all right? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine," I growled, strangely annoyed by the offer. I just wanted to be left alone.

Emily gave me another worried look, before turning to my mom. "Do you mind if I have a drink, Auntie Sue?" she asked.

"Of course not," Mom replied cheerily. "There's plenty of soda left, and we have milk, juice, water... And I could make hot chocolate if you want..."

"Mmm, hot chocolate!" Emily enthused, but it came out a little too excitedly; I knew she was trying to trick me into cheering up. "I'll have some of that, but I can make it. Don't you want any, Leah?"

My temper flared inexplicably again, and I had to grind my teeth together to keep back the biting remarks that threatened to pour out. "No, I said I was fine—"

Knock, knock. 

Mom whirled around, turning her gaze towards the front door. "Who could that be at this hour? Did someone forget something?" She ducked out of sight.

I listened to the door open, and Mom talk softly with whoever had stopped by. I was about to tune it out, and return to obsessing over Sam, when Mom suddenly called for me.

"Leah? Could... Could you please come here?" She sounded almost upset.

I groaned with annoyance and unwound myself from my seat on the couch. I dragged my feet out of the living room, towards the door... and froze.

Sam was standing there, out on the porch. Even though both he and my mother looked strangely grim, my heart soared at the sigh of him. I rushed forward. "Sam! I was worried!"

A small smile crossed his face as he saw me, but his eyes remained strangely cold. At least his hands were warmed as they embraced me. "Hey, Leah. Sorry that I took off like that."

I chuckled, my foul mood from earlier completely chased away. "It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay. Jared and Paul said you were sick. Are you feeling better?"

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