Chapter 3... Omen

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Birds burst forth from the bushes, scared away by the roar of Dad's truck. Most days, I'd be irritated that I couldn't hear the music on the radio over this noise, but today I was thankful for it. Today, if I had any semblence of quiet, I knew my imagination would be running wild churning out worse and worse theories about Sam.

I had called him this morning, and he had said he was doing better... but then I heard his mother scream in the background, then start chattering about how he felt like he was on fire. I decided then that I needed to check up on him in person, despite his protests that he was fine. Sam would say he was fine even there was a piece of shrapnel sticking out of his side.

The growling of the engine drowned out any sound my phone made, but I feel it buzz on the seat next to me. Even without looking at the screen I knew it was Emily, but I waited until my dad's truck was parked in front of Sam's to actually look at the message.

Emily: How's Sam?

For one sweet moment, my fears were chased back and I couldn't help but smile at the screen. What a good sister she was, texting to check up on my boyfriend.

Last night, after I had returned home I called her to talk about Sam's strange fever. She had listened patiently as she always did, and told me to stop worrying so much... Talking to Emily had helped, for a while at least. The next morning my worries were back with a vengeance.

Thankfully I had remembered to refill my phone minutes so I could text her back, though we'd probably burn through my supply in no time, like usual. Oh well. I tapped out my response. 

Leah: Haven't seen him yet, just arrived @ his place. I'll let u kno. <3

I flipped my phone closed, slid it into the pocket of my coat, then hopped out of the truck's cab. His mom's car was still parked in the drive, which was concerning. Usually, she'd be at work by now, and she was never late for work. Everyone knew that Allison Uley hated being late. Worry began to wind around my insides again.

I wasted no time making my way to the door. My nerves were electric, and my foot was already tapping impatiently before I had even knocked on the door. Thankfully, Sam's mom answered quickly.

She looked slightly strained, but she always looked kind of strained because of work. "Oh, hi Leah!" she said, forcing a smile to her face. "I'm glad you're here. Maybe you can talk some sense into my son."

"H-huh?" I stuttered, too startled to remember to return her greeting.

She didn't respond, just waved me inside. I followed after her to the living room. Sam was lying on the couch, with a damp washcloth placed on his head, and a bulbous piece of plastic clutched between his lips. His mother walked over to him and plucked it out of his mouth.

Allison clucked her tongue, her eyes wide. "It's 108° degrees again. This thing must be broken..."

I stifled a gasp. It was a shocking number, even though I knew it was impossible; humans die if their temperatures go over 106° and Sam was still very much alive. In fact, he didn't look any worse than he had the day before. He mostly just looked annoyed.

"See?" he said, his apparent annoyance leaking into his voice. "I told you it was broken. It's nothing, I swear, just a flu or something." He rolled his eyes.

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