Chapter 4... Comfort

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My purple pen tapped out a quick, racing beat on my desk. I was trying my best to finish my chemistry homework, but I couldn't concentrate. Every time I tried to focus on the problems on the worksheet we had been given, my mind would wander back to what was happening in La Push, and to my cousin Leah.

I was concerned about her. Auntie Sue had called yesterday to ask if Leah had said anything worrying to me. "She hasn't said anything about... leaving has she? Or hurting herself?" she had asked, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

The question had stunned me into silence so it took me a moment to reply. "No, no she hasn't. Has she said anything to you?"

"N-no," Auntie Sue had replied. "She doesn't say much... she just cries."

I knew that was true. Whenever I called to check up on her, our conversations had always been drowned out by her tears. And we didn't talk about anything else but Sam, her recently missing boyfriend. It had been week and a half, and there had been no word or sign of him. I would never mention this to Leah, but I knew it wasn't looking good.

I flipped my pen around and jabbed myself in the forehead with the cap. "Come on!" I urged myself. "Focus, you have to focus!"

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to clear my head. But when I exhaled, all that was left was Leah's face, her cheeks tear-stained, her eyes downcast and hopeless. My chest ached. I couldn't ignore her need. I felt horribly guilty for trying.

I should call her.

I tucked the worksheet into the textbook, like a bookmark, and closed it. At least it wasn't due until Thursday. I pushed it aside and reached for my phone. It was late, just after ten, so I figured I'd text her first to make sure that she wasn't asleep; Auntie Sue had also said she had been sleeping a lot lately.

Emily: Hey, u awake? Wanna talk?

Figuring she wouldn't text me back right away, I put the phone down and went to put on my pajamas. I had just taken my shirt off when I heard my cell phone buzz against the top of my desk.

I pulled on a ratty old t-shirt and went back for my phone.

Leah: Yeah sure

Without pause, I texted back. Emily: Great :) we can text or do u want to call?

I was about to drop my phone onto the bed so I could change into my sweatpants, but my it buzzed in my hand before I could. Leah: u can call me

A small smile pulled at my lips. Emily: K give me a second.

I quickly wiggled out of my pants and into the pair of sweats, then shoved my feet into a pair of fuzzy pink slippers. I headed downstairs to the kitchen, making sure to step lightly on the creaky stairs. Mom and Dad were already in bed, and I didn't want to disturb them. Once I got downstairs, I would be out of earshot.

The kitchen looked eerie at night. The moon was waxing, nearing its fullest form, and it cast lots of gentle silver light across the tiled floor, bathing the room in blue. I stepped forward carefully, past the large light switch the controlled the big light fixture that hung overhead... It would be too much for just one. Our midnight conversations usually occurred in the dark.

With only moonlight I could barely see a thing, but the path to the phone was familiar, and I quickly found my way to the little nook where we kept the phone, answering machine, and pads of papers for taking messages. I felt along the nook's surface and found the base of the small lamp I had placed there for my midnight calls. I flicked its switch, and its bulb sprung to life, spilling a small pool of warm light across the counter top.

AURORA ☾ Leah Clearwater ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن