What a year...I guess???

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So, last day of 2018...yeah.

This year was good but bad at the same time I guess.

I've made so many more friends on here, it's also the year I started book covers, now look at me. I'm just mad at myself for barely making any progress in my stories since now it takes me at least a month or two to get one chapter out.

Kinda disappointed in myself for that-

I am gonna try to boost myself up though in 2019! Even though it might be hard with my GCSEs coming up in May. I will have to say this though, I'm sorry thefiveanimals and Pikagirl1527 because I won't be able to finish those stamps for Shiny Hunter Of The Year.

They were almost finished but like the stupid idiot I am, I accidently deleted them of my phone when I was going through my gallery, making more room on my phone. I wish I had the spare time to try again but you know...cover requests.

I'm sorry.


I thank you all for giving me such a wonderful year, even though there's been loads of bad things going on in my internet and normal life.

You know, cyberbullies and just family problems in general.

But seriously guys, thank you.

Especially to you guys:


Talking to any of you is just the highlight of my day, really. Thanks for the support and just straight up just tolerating me and my stupidity.


(I'm so sorry if I forgot some of you, people who haven't been tagged).

Also, sorry Sylveon12 if you're still stuck up about not finding out Anisa's dad yet. If you still read Dusk that is-

Thank you guys as well for being so nice and accepting last chapter about me coming out. I was slightly panicking a little, yes, but I was happy to finally getting it off my chest. And yeah, I don't care if my cousin keeps calling me gay.

I love her and she loves me either way, plus, she just likes to keep pointing it out.

I just hope...one day, my dad will finally accept it and stop avoiding me like the plague.

Thank you guys so much and I hope you all have a wonderful 2019!

I love you all!


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