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I'm done!

I'm finally done with those stupid exams!!!

I can finally focus fully on my writing so I can get it done quicker. I should be getting my current grades a couple of days before I break up for Christmas.

My last exam was today and it was art so I had to work on a drawing for 2 hours (if you finished before you had to do another one) but I don't care since I love art.

I also had p6 Sciene after school and when I was about to leave, my Sciene teacher decided to do kick ups with the football he found in his classroom.

Me and someone else who turned up for p6 just sat there counting how many he did while laughing (he did 43 btw).

And on my way to Maths, I accidently stood on this guy's foot but it didn't register in his mind till two seconds later when he just slowly was weird.

Anyway, how are you guys doing?


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